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Wonho took out his laptop from his bag. He took out his Airpods from its container and wore them. He doesn't usually listen to music when working in the office. He finds it kind of disrespectful when people do that especially when they end up not hearing someone calling for them.

He decided to forget about that and just listen to music. Luckily his music wasn't too loud so he was able to hear some chattering happening. Wonho felt a gentle tap on his shoulder, he quickly took off his Airpods and turned around. "Oh, hello." He simply said.

Hyungkyun sighed, "I don't get why I'm being bossed around to come here, but the boss is going to talk to you privately. Again." It was obvious that he was annoyed and tired. "Not gonna lie, even if they didn't tell you to do that, you'd still go here." Hyungkyun's eyes widened widened and he looked away, folding his arms. He clicked his tongue, "aish, just go already."

Wonho couldn't help but hold back a laugh before walking out of his office. "AND FOR YOUR INFORMATION, I DIDN'T FEEL LIKE GOING IN HERE TODAY!" Hyungkyun yelled loudly, receiving weird looks from people. As usual, Wonho was chuckling to himself.

He made his was towards mr Lee's office. He knocked on the door, "mr Lee, it's Shin Wonho." He said. The door opened and it was mr Lee. Wonho's eyes widened when the man hugged onto the boy tightly. "Thank you so so much, Wonho!" He said.

Wonho was still confused as ever. "You're thanking me for what exactly, mr Lee?" He pulled away from the boy and had the brightest smile on his face. "Jiyeon." He called. A figure walked out of the room.

Jiyeon's arms were folded, her eyes completely avoiding Wonho and her grandfather's. Already, Wonho can tell that she was red as a lobster. "What are you looking at?" She asked, coughing. Wonho shook his head, looking away. "It's just.. so weird seeing you actually dress as a female now."

She gasped loudly and started nagging at Wonho. "How dare you! My fashion sense is the best thing in this world." She looked away from him. "So this is why it took you an entire week to finally come to work after our talk."

Jiyeon choked, "YOU'RE SO RUDE!" Wonho just chuckled. Mr Lee suddenly took Wonho's hands, holding onto them firmly, "what is it that you want, mr Shin? Would you like a promotion? Money? Ask for anything and I'll kindly give it to you."

"Wait, wait, wait. What's it for though?" He asked. "It's because you convinced my daughter to work here. You're the only person who did it successfully." Wonho shook his head with a forced smile, "it's completely fine. Seeing you happy and satisfied is enough, sir."

"You can switch roles with Hyungkyun." Wonho shook his head. "I really am satisfied with my job. I'm proud of my position already." Mr Lee gave out a sigh, "there must be a way I can repay you for this miracle."

Wonho shook his head, "I don't think I deserve it, sir." Mr Lee shook his head, "nonsense. Fine then, I'll let this go for now since you probably don't even know what you want or need at the moment. So feel free to call me when you finally think of something."

Jiyeon cleared her throat. "So where do I work?" Mr Lee's lips parted, "right. Well, you'll be working in the same office as Wonho." His eyes widened, "what?" Mr Lee nodded. "Since she's relatively new, I want you to teach her the basic things we do here so she can get a hang of it."

Wonho nodded with a smile but he was still confused. Wonho and Jiyeon started walking to his office. "Damn I don't get why he talked like that." She sighed, folding her arms. Wonho raised a brow, "what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about granddad. He praised you as if you saved the entire world from evil, which is me." She rolled her eyes. "It's quite nice of him to talk like that to be honest. Not because I like being praised, but because he really seems happy that you made up your mind and joined his business."

She doesn't respond and the two entered Wonho's office. "You've been here before." Wonho said as he sat down on his chair. Jiyeon nodded, looking around the room. "You better teach me everything I need to do." She gave a glare at him.


"You mean this file?" Jiyeon asked, clicking on the wrong file for the hundredth time. I sighed, "no, no. That one." I pointed. "I CLICKED ON THAT A WHILE AGO!" She yelled. "No you did not. Stop lying."

I sat back down on the couch, heaving a breath. "I told you this isn't my type of workplace." She folded her arms. "Jiyeon, stop using everything as an excuse. It's your first day here and it's normal to be really bad at first. You'll improve." I said. She sighed, "I just don't get why I'm given such a high role already when it's my first time here? It's unfair for others."

"Well why are you complaining to me? It's not like I can do anything about it." I fired back. Jiyeon sinks down on her chair, sulking silently. I turned to look at her and her eyes were wondering around the room as she spun around on her chair.

This is going to be stressful.


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