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(Y/N): First Name

(L/N): Last Name

Current Personality: Eccentric, Intelligent, Opportunist, Optimistic, Introverted, Curious, and more to come due to Character Development


(Y/N): Sadness, emptiness, anxiety, and loneliness. Conditions and emotions that can break anyone. They can show you a darker world, void of color, an array of grey that ultimately fades into despair and hopelessness. In such a case one might scream: "Tomorrow, please don't come". However, one may be reminded of the number of possibilities the future holds. In the fight against the darkest of emotions, hope reigns supreme. The hope will always have your back, as you spread your wings and fly into the time of hope. The wings of hope will sprout on your back, fight off the darkness and evil, color your world, slowly turning your grey person and grey world into a colorful and happy world and enable you to fly into the skies of tomorrow without as many worries.

Why do I keep feeling like this 50% of me is wanting to kill myself to end this misery but the other 50% is telling me to keep going it is all temporary and its all gonna be worth it to the end.

I can't tell this to my family if you still call it that all I got my grandparents working overseas and  providing me money monthly I can't tell them my problem for I fear it might give them a burden after learning of the loss of my parents plus of their jobs at very old age I am all alone hey they say "Those who fly alone have the strongest wings"

My Social life is a mess a struggle was most intelligent people have in common being outside of the definition of normal which leads to a lot of struggles I am loner for  it made me stronger I had been on my own since my Elementary Days ever since I chose to be who I really am in a world where people want to change but they themselves don't change.

I don't need anyone in my life I can handle all this pain alone that's how its always been I may be on the verge of committing suicide but soon it will all be worth it the end

However, I feel empty I keep telling myself I shouldn't have attachments and should avoid intimacy for it will only make me weak but I a part of me is still seeking  a partner but who 

What kind of girl would like to have a relationship with a crazy eccentric lone wolf who has gone through emotional hell and is in the depths of depression?

I have an odd taste in girls for me I want a partner who is hard to read because I enjoy mystery crazy because being with crazy there is never a dull moment a strong sense of justice and even  a a particular liking to cats for I love cats for they represent  independence, cunning, curious, and mystery. I know that the perfect partner does not exist but a guy can dream can't he seriously though its a weird and yet a sweet preference  but its all fantasy the one will never come I am all alone in this world 

huh wait as (Y/N) was dreaming he suddenly saw a figure which looks female in posture  approaching him as the figure comes closer and reveals to be 

Alarm Rings ⏰⏰⏰

Oh come just when it was starting to get good oh well  dreams are nothing but just desires not prophetic  oh well time to start the  day I maybe have lost the will to go to school but who knows if I keep hanging on it something good will come out of this

(Unknown) POV

Raizen High School  

A few more steps  closer to my objective

Well since the process may take the time I might at least try School 

𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕀 𝕒𝕞 ℂ𝕣𝕒𝕫𝕪 (Kurumi x Reader) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now