An Innocent Girl

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(Y/N):*Enters Classroom*

            *Deep Breath*

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*Deep Breath*

Hey Kurumi

Kurumi:Yes (Y/N)

(Y/N):We need to talk

Kurumi:about what

*As you were about to say what was in your mind words flashed in your mind as if it was right in your vision*

???:Don't Talk to her

        Trust Me

          Its not worth it

         Just leave

         She is not what she seems

(Y/N):What the is that a warning

???:Just Don't

         Walk away

          I have a bad feeling about her

(Y/N):No its just my fear I face it

Kurumi:Hey (Y/N) are you jealous because of Shido?

(Y/N):No its its just oh you know never mind

Kurumi:Ara ara your just so cute don't worry  I will give you a lot of attention in bed

*licks lips*

(Y/N):I am not jealous I just want

Kurumi:*Gets close*  I am sorry I thought I made my self clear *summons flintlock pistol*

I do what I want and you stay out of my way or things could get really messy

(Y/N):*Scared and Shaking* No I will not let fear control me you know Kurumi you forced yourself in my life and is trying to get close to my friend with an ulterior motive I will not allow this anymore who do you think I am some sort of protagonist of an anime who just lets a beautiful girl  and lets him do what she wants and the protagonist not doing because she is a girl or in love well not if your gonna kill me so be it (how did I end up with this my main purpose was to ask about why she wants Shido but what the heck) your teasing cannot distract me forever

Kurumi:my my really impress me *aims pistol at your mouth* well sorry  dear but I cannot allow

roadblocks to my objectives

(Y/N)*Scared but looks at Kurumi in the eyes* What is it you want with Shido what are you?

Kill me its better than you just barging in

𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕀 𝕒𝕞 ℂ𝕣𝕒𝕫𝕪 (Kurumi x Reader) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now