Pool of Red

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As Kurumi jumped in the pool (Y/N) couldn't get his eyes off her while desperately not trying to look like a creepy little filthy pervert at the same time

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As Kurumi jumped in the pool (Y/N) couldn't get his eyes off her while desperately not trying to look like a creepy little filthy pervert at the same time.

Kurumi: Hey (Y/N) you are done gawking want to at least join me don't worry about the rest I mean there is a cute girl in lingerie calling for you

(Y/N):(Is this even legal is anyone in this pool bothered by this) Ummm sure *enters the pool and approaches closely slowly, nervously, anxiously to Kurumi.

Kurumi: awww look at you so cute you do realize I can see your

(Y/N): *coughs real loud* oh sorry what was that Kurumi?

Kurumi: your

(Y/N): *coughs real loud again* 

Kurumi: fufufufu its so fun to play with you

One hour of Sexual Fanservice Later because I am not yet ready/experienced to write what happens next I will all leave it to your imagination on what you and Kurumi did on the pool

(Y/N): So how many hours to go so I can go back to my normal life

Kurumi: about 2 awww you don't want to spend more time with me I can get it *mischievously smirks" I know I am giving you a HARD TIME with all that is happening

(Y/N): (okay I know what she is trying to do how on earth did it get to this situation one moment me and Kurumi were running away from getting killed now we're swimming and I feel something inside me that is rising and it's not the water current)

10 Minutes of Sexual Fanservice Later

(Y/N):(Please Kill Me Kill me now wait what am I complaining about I am swimming with an attractive girl beautiful, sexy girl who is also a cold-blood, viscous psychotic killer now I know why I want to leave

Kurumi:*splashes water* (Y/N) *giggles* get your head out of the clouds

1.35 Seconds of Sexual Fanservice Later

(Y/N): am I in Heaven or in Hell or just Purgatory with every thought perverted and innocent all conflicting help me I say its been 1 hour 1.32 Seconds in a pool with Kurumi wait why am I making a big deal of this oh yeah Kurumi has this thing where she likes to tease and scares me so in short

Every time when I am around with Kurumi I am both scared and aroused

Kurumi: oh (Y/N) just where are you looking at?

(Y/N): just stay quiet don't look at her attractive, ravishing, stunningly, eye candy bikini fitting in with her great body just don't think about it

Kurumi: Hey (Y/N) you do realize you're talking out loud literally everyone around us can hear you

Random Swimmer: aww look at that kind of reminds me of us before we got married till I got the confidence to confess

𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕀 𝕒𝕞 ℂ𝕣𝕒𝕫𝕪 (Kurumi x Reader) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now