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"Wake up sleeping beauty hey I said wake up"

"Maam are you trying to save him or kill him?

"That's it where's the aquarium I am putting a goldfish inside his pants"

(Y/N): "suddenly bounces out of bed"

what happened? who the hell are you people? where's Kurumi? are you DEM? what do you plan to do with me?

Mii: will you just calm down 

(Y/N): calm how can I be calm?  you all just took me against my will?  I feel like a person who has been kidnapped by aliens and is about to be anally probed.

Unknown Person C: should I? *aims a stun gun to (Y/N)

Mii: *hugs (Y/N) and places his head between her breasts* damn I wish I had bigger breasts oh right

"There there (Y/N) everything will be alright, you're not gonna die at least not yet"

"(Y/N) panics even more like a child who is struggling to avoid getting a needle from a doctor"

Mii: alright drastic measures "grabs knife"

"stabs the space between your legs and closer to your groin which cuts the fabric of the bed"

A smile forms on Mii's face

"Now listen here (Y/N) I really hate crybabies now listen to what I say if you want to live cause your chances of being alive is the same chance of you getting laid

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"Now listen here (Y/N) I really hate crybabies now listen to what I say if you want to live cause your chances of being alive is the same chance of you getting laid

now do what I say or I am gonna cut your penis out 

I am still thinking whether I am gonna donate it to science or feed it to the dogs

understand and wait 

why is it hard

(Y/N): I don't know 

Mii: well now that your kind of calm let's get back to the business you see (Y/N) lets just say your kind of like a Frankenstein and we want you to work for us

(Y/N): oh I get you experimented on me without my consent and you want to use me for your damn operations well 


This is my Life and mine only it may be a shitty Life but it's my shitty Life !!!

Mii: you know it was gonna be inspiring but it's hard to take you seriously with that erection of yours

Now I know what to do with it when I cut I am gonna donate it to science to either be experimented on or it could be a transplant 

wait what the

did it just get bigger



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𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕀 𝕒𝕞 ℂ𝕣𝕒𝕫𝕪 (Kurumi x Reader) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now