Life is full of Suprises

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Kurumi POV

Kurumi:Now my clones completed my transfer to Raizen

I wonder what School is like

My only problem is how to hide my true self since I am gonna be exposed a lot its been a while since I have a social interaction with other people

Only a few have known that are still alive yet but I decided to let them live 

Kurumi Clone:What about  (Y/N)

Kurumi:Oh that boy yes I have thought about it my only worry is it worth the risk it is temporary

Kurumi Clone:I have found out that he is close friends with Shido I have spotted them talking once

Kurumi:Oh  that time when we met he was trying to save Shido looks like my intuition was right he will be some sort of use 

Kurumi Clone:I have done a background check on him that he lives alone and is close friend is Shido 

I have checked his phone and saw Shido and his Sister are his only contacts aside from his family

Kurumi:Okay get close to (Y/N) and use him as my cover and once I consumed Shido should I kill him,make him forget or just leave randomly 

Kurumi Clone:Lets cross that bridge when we get there


Miss Okamine: Okay Class you are now dismissed

Shido:So (Y/N) can I ask you a few I mean a lot of questions

(Y/N):Sure but first will this be a conversation or an interrogation


Shido's Flashback  

Kotori:Shido I have a small mission for you

Your friend (Y/N) I feel like you he is getting too involved

Shido:I think not his only exposure was just Tohka thats it 

Kotori:I know just keep a close eye on him he might open doors that are better off closed

Shido:Okay and what if he did witness something

Kotori:It depends on the level of exposure 

Shido:Okay you got it

Flashback End

Shido:More of a conversation just concerned

(Y/N):Okay sure what is it?

Shido:Well I heard there are some hallucinogen  broke out that are affecting teens that are making teens hallucinate girls with supernatural abilities just asking have you ever once see in your life saw a girl that seem extraordinary?


Kotori:Thats what your going with do you even realize the scientific explanation of hallucinogen

Shido:Well I thought your gonna help me and I would have thought of a better cover if you didn't keep bugging me

Kotori:Well I just got lonely and I want to talk to you some more wait why did I say that 

Hey Shido Shido

Shido:(Y/N) wait

(Y/N) :I am just grabbing my stuff what are mumbling about?

Shido:Sorry Kotori lets continue later

Kotori:Okay that was close he almost heard that you guys better not mention this

𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕀 𝕒𝕞 ℂ𝕣𝕒𝕫𝕪 (Kurumi x Reader) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now