Treasured Advice

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Author:Exams are done time to celebrate with a new chapter even if I didn't do well no wait I did well I did better well not in Calculus and Chemistry and yet I want to be an engineer so ironic but I won't Give Up I will not give up no matter how much I failed my exams they won't define but that doesn't mean I should flunk but it means I should do better and work even harder

(Y/N):Can we get back to my story now?

Author:Oh yeah the part were Kurumi does that to you

(Y/N):Do what?

Author:You know come on your not that dense Kurumi is about to

Back to the Chapter Brought to you by the author being interrupted by himself

1:00 AM

Kurumi:Oh (Y/N) I didn't know you were so rough 

(Y/N):Could you please leave I am tired and have a lot of things to do (whats wrong with her I know shes trying to tease me for "fun" if thats what you call it but it is getting me turned on its gonna be conflicting in some future events)

Come on Kurumi what are you even doing here thats it I no more Mr. Nice guy KURUMI GET OUT

(Wait a second what am I doing she can kill me in snap of a finger why did I do it well Goodbye Cruel World)

Kurumi:Your so mean and you know whats gonna come to you

(Y/N):what is (oh here it comes wherever I end up in the afterlife Heaven,Hell,Limbo,Purgatory,Nothingness,Reincarnation,Becoming a Ghost,A forgotten place, or any other theory after death)

Kurumi:*Falls asleep* on your bed

(Y/N):What the *tries to forcefully wake up Kurumi* come on this is not funny wait I think she is really asleep oh well time to sleep for me better enjoy the peace as it last 

Ironic isn't it while I was young and shallow I always chased the most beautiful and the most charming of girls like my life depended on it for I though she could change my life now then the girl rejects me  when I aged and mature I realized I shouldn't,t chase women anymore and that I don't need anyone to change me now girls chase me weird I mean first theirs Kurumi then Dina then those 3 

Ah this is really a weird world well lets see what happens tomorrow I am ready for what struggles await

*Falls asleep with Kurumi* wait Kurumi is on the bed nah I will deal with it tomorrow its not like somebody is gonna arrive and see her in a lewd position

*Falls asleep this time*

7:53 AM

*door knocking*

*door knocking*

(Y/N):*wakes up* ah oh my Grandpa is visiting lets see what to do before he arrives to prove I can handle myself 

okay first

1.Brush teeth

2.Microwave a small meal 

3.Prepare water

okay that is  it time to answer oh wait I forgot one last thing

4.Throw Kurumi out of the window (wait what am I doing shes gonna kill me wait panic later prepare now

okay now *Answers the door*

Welcome G/N(Grandpas name) hows your trip need a meal (why do I have a weird urge to say need a meal,a bath or me great my brain is making random thoughts again as if thinking about Kurumi wasn't enough)

𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕀 𝕒𝕞 ℂ𝕣𝕒𝕫𝕪 (Kurumi x Reader) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now