Pushing till you Drop

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(Y/N):What is a Spirit and why does Kurumi has an interest in you? 

Shido:Well (Y/N) a spirit is  the nonphysical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character and about Kurumi why are you asking 

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Shido:Well (Y/N) a spirit is  the nonphysical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character and about Kurumi why are you asking 

(Y/N);I am just concerned that she looks like she has a motive behind her friendly and flirty behavior towards you remember when someone is suddenly so nice it means there is motive Origami well she doesn't count 


(Y/N):Oh come on Shido I am not jealous really I AM NOT JEALOUS I AM NOT JEALOUS its not that I have fallen for Kurumi

Shido:Uh huh

(Y/N):Really I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH KURUMI I AM NOT I mean look at her attitude shes too crazy 

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(Y/N):Really I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH KURUMI I AM NOT I mean look at her attitude shes too crazy 

Shido:Yeah (*Kotori reconnects with Shido":Shido I have heard everything it looks like he knows a lot okay try to see how much he knows if he knows too much we will silence him *Shido responds what" Kotori replies "Just Kidding but seriously try to get more info")

(Y/N):Oh Shido jusr incase your thinking I am not being a TSUNDERE I am not a TSUNDERE  Do I look and act like a tsundere NO NO I AM NOT

okay I do not like Kurumi  okay but back to the topic I think you know something 

Shido:What me nah seriously I am not that smart

(Y/N):Okay then Shido look the AST got Kurumi !!!

Shido:where where  I will save her

(Y/N):Got you

Shido:("Kotori shouts at his ear "You Idiot !!") oh what do you mean the AST for Kurumi is  umm "desperately tries to find an excuse/cover"  oh yeah Academic Strict Teachers 

(Y/N):Really Really thats what came up with? and its not only with Kurumi recently your suddenly becoming more popular with the girls well not in our class but  every  few days a girl gets attached to you its like your a star of some harem show and if it was oh I better hurry to the bookstore there having a discount the "Harem Survival Guide"

𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕀 𝕒𝕞 ℂ𝕣𝕒𝕫𝕪 (Kurumi x Reader) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now