Jealous of the Stars

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As you were sleeping you accidentally grabbed something soft and comfortable you kept groping it so firm it gave you a weird feeling of pleasure

Oh its the pillow were did Kurumi go oh so this is what she meant by temporary  so what she is gonna randomly barge into my house make me work and stay wherever she pleases me and her are gonna have a long talk

Okay to school I really don't know what is Kurumi's intention should I follow my curiosity well depends on the situation  


Shido:Hey (Y/N) are you okay you don't look alright 

(Y/N):Yeah I know Iook like an overworked husband who has a wife who keeps giving him work yeah but something like that I just cannot tell

Shido:Oh okay yeah I can't imagine that rememebers Tohka,Yoshino and Kotori yeah hahahaha

*Miss Okamine Enters*

(Y/N):I wonder where Kurumi is? maybe she is doing some grand entrance

Miss Okamine:Good morning everyone may I have your attention are you ready for a surprise? A transfer student is joining our class today 

(Y/N):Yup a grand entrance

Miss Okamine:Okay come on in Ms.Tokisaki

Kurumi:Hello guys my name is Kurumi Tokisaki

Kurumi:Hello guys my name is Kurumi Tokisaki

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(Y/N):Wait a second why does Kurumi look prettier even if I have seen her before in a dress or is it just my mind

Kurumi:Just so you know I am actually a spirit

Shido/Tohka/Origami:*Suprised by Kurumi's Words*

(Y/N):Wait a second are those 3 connected to Kurumi maybe thats what Shido is talking about should I ask those 3 oh yeah Kurumi will blow my head off If I open my mouth

Miss Okamine:Lets move on well that's one of the more unique introductions this class has had go ahead and take a seat anywhere

Kurumi:Before I sit could someone do me a quick favor

Miss Okamine:Oh do you need something 

Kurumi:Since I am new I am afraid I don't know my way around the school that well will anyone be so kind as to show me around I am really sorry to trouble you but I promise I will make your time worth your while 

(Y/N):Should I no if Kurumi wants help he would ask me is this a part of her plan well lets see how this go what am I spectator and a butler

Tonomachi:Yeah you bet I will do it

Kurumi;Not you but thanks


Kurumi:*Approaches Shido* Would you be able interested in helping me Shido right?

𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕀 𝕒𝕞 ℂ𝕣𝕒𝕫𝕪 (Kurumi x Reader) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now