Chapter 15-The remedy

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Nia's POV

I was laid out on the couch and Nylah was laid out on the other. It's been a week since I've seen Rashad. "Bitch this cold is kicking my ass" I told Nylah. "You? Me! I don't know why we be acting like it's not cold out" she said laughing. "You wanna go get some food?" I asked her. She nodded. I went and found some sweats , a hoodie and my socks and slides. Typical nigga fit.

We got downstairs and was walking to the truck when I kept feeling like somebody was watching. I was looking around but I didn't see anyone. I got in the truck. "Where we going?" She asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. "Bitch we not finna do this!" She yelled. "Why you gotta yell though? Big ass mouth" I yelled back. "Bitch you know what? We gone go somewhere and you gone like it" she told me. "Eh" I said.

"Can I get a Oreo McFlurry with M&M's" I yelled across tamia. "Also a 20 piece nugget and a large sweet tea" I continued to say. We got our food and headed back home. "We boring" I told Nylah. "Right??" She agreed. "Trina ass gone out of town with her sugar daddy" I told Nylah. She busted out laughing.

We was walking down the hall and I saw two people sitting on the floor across from our door. I looked at Nylah and continued eating my McFlurry. "Baby" Rashad said getting up. I put my hand up. "Stop right there" I told him. "Can we talk? Please" he begged. I looked into his eyes. I nodded. We let them in. I snatched my food out of the bag.

"Talk" I told them. "Okay babygirl listen when we left and made it to P.R. We got a phone call that said it was this dude named Chino that was watching my trap and keeping tabs on me and you and the same for kyree and Nylah. They had our phones tapped so we had to dispose of them and our social media . Yeah we could've gotten new ones but we didn't want to take the risk and we was so many miles away. We've had people watching y'all. My boys called us everyday and told us y'all was mostly at home. Baby I'm sorry" Rashad told me. I looked in his eyes and saw nothing but honesty. "Yeah we was only doing it for y'all safety" Ree said.

My emotional ass. I started crying. "Well you should've said that" I said through tears. "Sis You was about to kill us" Ree said. I snatched the switch blade out my bra and put it to his neck. "I will if you tempt me" I said with a devilish smirk. "Daaaamn you got a switch blade in there? What else?" He asked me. I put the blade back. "Nothing" I told him. Rashad walked up and hugged me. I missed being in his arms. "I missed you mami" he said. "I missed you too papi" I told him. Before kissing him

Rashad's POV

"Y'all wanna be trap queens?" I asked them. They nodded. "Baby I don't know about that" I told her. "Thop it , well be okay" she said with her sick ass. I kissed her forehead. "Go pack you a bag" I told her. "Overnight?" She asked. "Nah A couple weeks" I told her. She nodded. Kyree sent Nylah off to do the same.

We was in the truck heading to my house. Kyree and I decided it's best if we all stay together because chino is a dirty ass nigga and I don't have time for him to be killing anyone close to me. We pulled up at the house. Nia ran inside leaving her bags and she was up in the bathroom throwing up. "Before y'all say anything. I'm not pregnant! I've been to the doctor. I just have the stomach flu" she said shutting all thoughts down.

I was down stairs in my office. When I heard soft knocks on the door. "Come in" in walked my baby. She came to sit on my desk. "I need my granny remedy" she told me. "I've already called her. So ima run over there real quick to get it" she told me. "You want me to go?" I asked. She shook her head. She hopped off my desk and got my keys and out the door she went.

4 hours later

"Where the hell is she?" I asked Nylah and kyree. I heard the front door unlock. "I've made it home granny , love you too" she said into the phone. I walked in and saw her holding the bowl. "Granny says hi" she told us. We nodded. Nylah grabbed the bowl and went into the kitchen.

"Where you been?" I asked her. "I went to granny house and we was talking. Then I got in the truck and I had to run back by the apartment for something then I had to go to Walmart" she said showing the bags by the front door. "You could've answered your phone baby" I told her. "I would've but I was running around and bout time I got home. Granny was calling. I'm sorry. Nothing happened. I promise" she told me. I nodded and grabbed the bags.

Kyree's POV

I was standing in the kitchen with everyone. "Ight this shit will have you out for a day and when you wake up the cold will be gone. Best sleep in the world Though"Nia said. "It look like red koolaid" I said. "Yeah but it's not , it's spicy too" she told us. I saw her and Nylah take little sips. When they was finished. They looked so high!

"Let's go lay down" Nia said. They was walking all weird and shit. I was getting nervous. I got Nylah into the bed and met Rashad back in the living room. "She good?" I asked him. "Hell yeah!" He said. I nodded. "Nigga they gone be sleep for a day?" I asked him. "I don't believe it" he told me laughing. "Me either foolie" I told him. "Let me go snuggle up on my wife" he said running upstairs. I laughed. Ain't no way they ass gone be sleep for a day.

Rashad's POV

The next day

"Nigga it's almost 1pm and they still sleep" kyree said. "I know. The bed was soaked with sweat. Nigga I'm scared" I told him. He nodded. "What time they drank that mess?" He asked. "Shid around 3am" I told him. "Foolie I'm staying in the house. I don't want nothing to happen and we not here" he said. "I agree" I told him.

We sat there around the house bored as fuck. I went upstairs and watched Nia sleep she didn't move or anything. I walked back downstairs at 2:50am. "Nigga 10 more minutes. If they not awake by 3:30am. We going to the hospital" I told him. He nodded. It was 3:02am and I heard both doors open. I heard feet walking downstairs.

"Bitch it worked" Nylah yelled. "Ahhhhhhh" Nia yelled sticking out her tongue. We just sat there staring at them. Shook! "What's wrong baby?" Nia asked. "We was scared . We didn't know what to do" I told her. "Continue with y'all lives" she said laughing. "I'm about to wash our sheets though" she told me. "Me too" Nylah said and back upstairs they went. I looked at kyree and we shook our heads. The fuck just happened?

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