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it's been days before jaemim surrenders himself to the police.

they all started to mistreat him badly only to weaken him,  different from how violent he was before he was captured.

the friends of the policeman he and jeno killed started to mistreat him or more like take the advanatage every night to take revenge to the lad.

jaemin suffered so much yet he try not to spill anything that could lead jeno and his mother to danger.

he cough from being beatened again as he hug both his knees from the coldness inside the cell.

he was detained for few years since he just stepped in to legality but he need to take few custody and judgements before he could be either set free or be prisoned forever.

thinking nothing but how he and jeno could turn their violents moments into something which makes it beautiful.

a tear left his eyes as he chuckle slightly to himself.  "idiot me", he said to himself.

he quickly wipes his tears out after hearing few footsteps coming towards his cell,  seeing the usual policeman who guards him everytime.

he grins towards him as he rises up from his seat.

"yow mister,  how is it going?" jaemin teasingly greeted him.

the policeman roll his eyes as he started to unlock jaemin's cell,  putting him to a handcuff as he drag him outside.

"it's been late but you gotta visitor and he seems pushy so i let him in" the police said making him to suddenly gets excited making his lips to form a sincere smile.

"you're lucky im in the mood today. anyway, where did you get these bruise?" the police added.

the much jaemin wanted to tell the other kind police inside, yet he wanted to stay silent because he badly wnted to protect jeno at all cost,  even if it's his life in line.

"tsk,  it's none of your businesses"

the police shrug his shoulder as they began walking towards the visiting area.  "oh well,  but are you sure you're okah?"

"ill punch and kick you a many times does it seems okay?" jaemin sarcastically responds only to recieve a glare to the police so he awkwardly chuckles and apologizes immediately.

"you gotta keep these idiot side of yours coz it'll bring troubles" the police teasingly added before they arrive to the visiting area.

it was already evening and it's quiet yet there's no single person inside the area so jaemin thinks it might be another prank the police pull out to beat him up again.

"relax okay, ill call him up" the police said before he leaves the place to call his visitor.

minutes after,  it leave him a sudden breathless as the policeman comeback with someone he just really wanted to meet.

he quickly stand up, catching the guy who quickly hugs him tight.

"wha-what are you doing here?" jaemin worriedly said as he carresses jeno's cheeks.

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