Close Call | Jacob Frye

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The sound of laughter and chatter could be heard all the way down the street, the loud voices carried through the silent streets of London as the Rooks celebrated the liberation of a child labor factory in Westminster. Drink after drink was served and the tales of men and women's past were shared amongst each other as the ale loosened the nerves of the Rooks. You were never a big drinker yourself, always being modest and sipping at either a glass of wine or when you really wanted, a cup of ale.

"I'll have a whiskey on the rocks, please." An Irish accent stated to the bartender, seeing someone sit in the stool next to you at the bar. The barkeep nodded, inspecting the coins your friend threw on the ale-dampened table as he slipped them into his pocket for safekeeping. You sipped at the cup of ale in front of you, the taste of it making you silently want some water as you placed the cup on the bar. Your eyes rolled over to your friend, Nora, who had been the one to sit next to you. She smiled at you and you could tell she was already a little tipsy. "Y/N! How're you doin'?" Her words were slightly slurred but you could still clearly understand her, the bartender setting the glass of whiskey in front of her. Nora's attention was soaked up by the new glass of alcohol, her pale hands coming to grasp it firmly and take a swig of the bitter drink.

(A/N: why am i just now realizing i based Nora off of Sean Macguire from Red Dead Redemption II????)

Her nose scrunched up at the taste, shaking her head as if that would help anything. "I'm alright, Nora. You look like you're having fun." You teased her, knowing that when she was sober she usually called herself a 'funny drunk'. She certainly wasn't wrong, and you knew there would be a conversation between you and her in the future about how she was going to act tonight. "I am! The children are freed from the factory and we're one step closer to bringing down Starrick!" She shouted out and the rest of the Rooks shouted a cry upon hearing her praise of their work as you chuckled. The door of the pub suddenly swung open, the chilly night air rushing in as the silhouette of a man stood in the doorway before walking in. Your boss (and secret crush), Jacob Frye, walked in with his hands raised in the air as the tavern erupted into chaos upon seeing him enter. He shouted with them in excitement, the Rooks crowding around him like he was their life source. The loud shouting of the men and Jacob was all you and anyone in London could probably hear, shaking your head in mock annoyance. The sound of a chair scraping the floor of the pub was heard as you looked up from your drink, watching as Jacob stepped onto one of the tables and waved his hands in an attempt to silence the rowdy Rooks.

"Alright everyone! How's everyone feeling after our big win?!" He shouted, and the tavern erupted into cheers again as everyone answered at the same time. Nora sat herself up on the bar, her drink raised in the air along with everyone else's. You even raised your own drink as well, but brought it back down and took a sip as everyone quietened down to hear Jacob speak. "That's what I'm talking about! Alright, listen up everyone. I do want to thank every single Rook here for your courage and bravery tonight, because I certainly couldn't have done any of this without you all!" Jacob announced, and everyone murmured to themselves at his token of appreciation.

"If it weren't for you lot, those children would still be suffering in the horrible conditions of the factory right now. But those children are free because of you all, and on behalf of the parents, let us eat and drink and be merry!" Jacob shouted in finality of his speech, taking a cup of ale from a nearby Rook and guzzling it down in one gulp as the Rooks around him cheered him on. Nora removed herself from the bar table, the bartender glancing at her but not saying anything in fear of her hitting him or something worse. She plopped herself in the seat again, gulping down the last of the whiskey. Your eyes remained on Jacob, not paying attention to anything Nora was saying. He was moving around and talking to some Rooks, probably boasting about his victory and taking shots with them as well. You didn't mind his brash and cocky attitude, if anything it made him more attractive. But why would he ever pay any attention to you? You were just another Rook, another nobody that he would never notice.

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