Chapter 1

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"Mr. Styles you have Miss Tomlinson here for you." Harry nodded to let her in his eyes never leaving the papers in his hands.

Johannah slowly walked in empty handed with her head held high with a straight but stern face. Once the door closed Harry looked up with a smirk then frowned raising his eyebrow at her empty hands.

"I assume you want more time to pay up because you haven't gotten your paycheck yet?" Johannah shook her head and pulled out a roll of paper from her kneehigh sock. 

"I will not be paying you anything, you will let me be and give me what I deserve or else I will expose the real demon that you are." Harry slowly stood up now smirking.

"What demon? The only demon in here is you for even talking to me like that. Now, what is that you have in your hands dear?" Johannah unscrolled the paper and began to read out what was on it.

"Your name is Harold Styles, you were born 1839 February 1 in Paris, You died on February 2, 1940, a day after your birthday, a day after your family got killed along with you because your village found out you and your family were vampires. Yet your here alive and still taking the blood of our innocent people here. I have proof, pictures of you drinking a teen girls blood then breaking her neck and leaving her in a rubbish bin." Harry sped towards Johannah about to attack her but he stopped when he pulled out a stake.

"Take one more step and you will be gone before you know it. I want a couple of things and your secret is safe with me. I just want enough money to last me and my son to California then I will be gone." Harry sighed and nodded holding his hand out to her.

"No touching just give me what I want." Harry silently nodded looking away.

"I like to do personal business in a more private environment who knows whos listening behind these doors." Johannah nodded convinced at the trade.

Harry led Johannah behind the building, it was dark and cold, if you look up you could see the stars and full moon. Johannah smiled up at the sky thinking of Louis, he always loved to watch the stars at night with her.

"How much do you want, I want that evidence to be kept with me. I can't risk you letting it get in the wrong hands." Johannah turned towards Harry and slid the scroll back in her kneehigh sock.

"The evidence stays with me. Now I want about two million, it will get my son and I to California and get us a house and enough to last us a while with the job ill get ill be able to afford a babysitter too." Harry groaned and looked up clawing at his face then nodded.

"Okay fine that's fine." Johannah smiled triumphantly and held out her hand for a handshake as a business well done.

Harry smiled at the gesture and shook Johannah's hand then yanked her to him. Harry grabbed both of Johannah's dainty wrist in one hand holding them behind her back then covering her mouth and biting harshly into her neck sucking the life out of her. Johannah struggled to get free from Harry which was useless against the strength of a vampire. Johannah began to grow pale and weaker, her limbs finally giving out on her. Johannah caught one more look at the sky letting out a tear silently saying goodbye to Louis. 

Harry finished and snapped Johannah's neck. 

"Her blood was kind of sweet, hopefully, I meet this son of hers because if her blood is this sweet her son should be just as sweet." Harry took out the scroll from her sock and flung Johannah into the garbage bin. 

"Business well done my fair lady." Harry chuckled darkly and closed the top of the bin then walked back into his office.



Business was booming for Harry Styles, in fact, he now is the owner of the pacemaker and the double A batteries. Harry only had to take control of those because now people are paying their bills more often because they don't struggle to find jobs anymore. It was boring to just see those bills every day. Along the fact that Harry now had a new problem that he kind of loved. 

A strange boy would come to his house during the night and sleep in his bed. He understood why though, it was abandoned, Harry had multiple houses but the one he mainly preferred now was the one the small fragile boy stayed at. He would leave during the day to god knows where and come back during the night to fill his small fridge with little bits of food, once he came back with only one muffin and a styrofoam cup or some water? It looked disgusting, more like river water.

The highlight of Harry's end of the day was leaving to stalk his own house, just in time to see Louis crawl through the small hole in the broken door that never opened anymore because of the hinges getting frosted over from the winter nights and now they were rusted.

Louis shivered hugging himself with one arm while holding a plastic bag. Louis set the bag on the table then took out a match cursing himself when it was his last one. Louis shakily lit the only candle in the room. 

Harry made a mental note to buy more candles and matches for the poor boy, he can get himself food clearly. Louis took out the food from the bag which was a single apple and small box of cut up strawberries. Louis shivered and opened the fridge placing the fruit in the empty fridge. Louis closed the fridge then laid in the dusty bed and looked up at the skylight? It was originally a hole but Louis covered it with a plastic container making it stay with duct tape.

"Hope you had a good day mom, I got fired again today, I accidentally spilled hot soup on some rich guy, but I had enough money to spare to get that fruit today, it was the last of my money today sadly. I'll get more though don't worry." Louis turned on his side and kissed the picture frame of his mother and turned facing the wall.

"Goodnight mom," Louis whispered pulling the very thin blanket over his body.

Harry smiled watching the thin boy sleep then sighed glaring at the photo, it was Johannah, he barely remembered her but this was her son she was talking about. She wanted him to be free from this horrible place and now he's stuck here homeless and broke all because of him. The boy was very cute, Harry felt anger in himself for not having a single urge to kill him and suck him dry of his blood, all he wanted to do was hug him and give him all the warmth in the world.

KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Yes, first chapter! Hope you all liked it! Anygays hope you all liked this because I was originally gonna post this on October for Halloween and shit but I never finished my other story on time. Hopefully, you like this story though.

 I did write this all on paper in my history class when I was in high school. I sadly lost those papers though. I do remember every page word for word though. So I am so happy and lucky to remember this after so long. Anygays give me feedback if you can so I can make this story better.

 Anygays I also want to thank Hazstylestrash and LSmanips from Instagram for letting me use their edits for making my cover. They are amazing editors and I know that I am shit when it comes to editing the boys. I can only make shitty Briana edits but those will do. Anygays show those two love, not Briana. Anygays love you all, good afternoon, night, and or morning!

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