chapter 15

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Another 28 days passed, New York is something different. Very different from London. Louis is the Gemma, Anne and the rest of the females in the group are the only ones to get jobs. Louis, of course, is not okay with this but being the only human among the group. Louis couldn't really say anything or have a vote mainly because he was the only human in the group. Making friends was out of the question, Harry got way too possessive,

"Your only friends here is us, you can form fake friendships with your co-workers but other than that your friendships are us and us only got it?" Louis nodded shakily.

Yeah and the whole women need to work instead well, the men were just fucking lazy. There was huge fight between them all and I mean actually fight, the women beating up the men, the men beating up the women. The women lost. Thankfully vampires can heal themselves faster than humans so the women weren't as injured as badly as we thought.

"Ugh Harry I am bored, I wanna do something. Let's go out on a date or something?" Harry stopped talking and turned around to Louis who was lazing on their bed.

'He actually wants to go on a date with me?! Oh shit! I have to get ready! I have to look good!' Harry nodded quickly and ran to the bathroom.

"You know the day that you two have sex I bet he will be the one coming back limping even though your gonna be the one having it up the ass." Gemma snickered while a group of men laughed along with her.

'I feel like I get bullied here all the time by just Gemma alone.' 


Harry was holding Louis hand while walking down the street, the biggest smile on his face.

"I don't see why I have to wear a skirt and a wig." Louis frowned his hair shadowing his face.

"Well, you absolutely sexy in a skirt and people won't be rude to us if they see that you're a dude." Louis looked up at Harry then looked around, people didn't see them as a gay couple, with the way Louis looked he and Harry was an average straight couple.

With the spells Harry had, he looked more like a human. No fear of sunlight, no longer allergic to wolfbane or anything that can harm him. It still hurt to not be able to be himself outside of his own home though.

"I hope in the future that changes. People will see you guys are not as bad as you all seem. You need to survive just as badly as we do. Just as badly as gay people need to survive as well. Were all on this planet trying to live but of course, no one wants to accept more than one thing unless it makes them happy which is more than one thing. Were not on that list Harry, we might never be able to be on that list though. I just hope to live long enough to see us on it though." Harry smiled pulling Louis to himself in a sideways hug.

"This is why I love you. You have way too much confidence, just like your mother had, well before I had to kill her." Louis nodded leaning into Harrys hold walking into a small restaurant.


"You're not Mr. Styles." Niall smiled and shook his head.

"No, but I am his second-hand man. I am the one that keeps things held up together when he is busy away on business. So I need a new maid because all the others keep on having issues, so I need a new maid. You seem like a nice fit already so you're hired." 

"I didn't come here to apply for a job, I came here to talk to Mr. Styles or at least see if he was here." Niall pouted taking out a sandwich from the fridge.

"Well, sorry lady but I don't know where the asshole went. He up and left me before I could even say goodbye to him. Once you find him though can you like bring him to me first? I kind need the password to his safe because I'm running out of money." Eleanor rolled her eyes snapping her fingers making one of her men walk in the room.

"Open the safe for him. If he comes back you tell me, I want him back, along with Mr. Tomlinson." Eleanor's eyes changed to heart when saying Louis' name.

"Ew okay, lady thanks for opening the safe ill tell you when he gets here now please leave. I have food to buy." 

'Harry gets here soon, I might survive with your money but this bitch is gonna find out what I am soon.' 


"How do you think Niall is doing without you?" Harry stopped drinking and stared at Louis.

"I bet he's fine without me. He has enough money to get as much food as he wants. I also bet he will find a way to hire some random ladies and use them as a blood source." Louis tilted his head to side wondering what Harry was talking about till he finally understood.


flashback evidence


"Just because we're vampires doesn't mean we can't eat human food. It's more or so like once we eat it turns to nothing but ash inside our bodies. So we could eat as much as we want. Just like our tastebuds, we find almost anything good, if it isn't blood that is." 


End of flashback evidence


"Niall's a vampire too?" Harry stopped talking shocked at what he just revealed.

"That's why he was scared to tell them. He knew they would find out what he was so he told me to do it. You're the one that changed him, that's why he lives with you because he needs you. You left him, you were so horrible to him and he just needed you because ruined his life!" Harry shook his head waving his hands around.

"No no no no no! Louis, you don't understand at all! I-" 

"I don't want to hear it! I bet everything else was a total lie, was it? Was my mother really a horrible person as you said? Do you even love me? You drink from me like I'm fucking apple juice!" Louis shot up running out the building getting away from Harry. 

When Harry had managed to get out of his little zone Louis was already gone. 


Louis had managed to get out of New York and back to London in about the same amount of days as they did before. Of course, going back to London needed to have a plan. Louis would go to his old place, Harry's old place. It was already checked out and denied as a graveyard for any innocent people dying in Harry's hands.


KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Yes, another chapter! I hope you all liked it! Anygays I finally added some drama and romance in this! Some angst too but mostly what I really wanted. I also added more Niall because if you haven't seen my Instagram Stories I revealed that I am making a sequel to this story. I know how it's gonna end because I have all the chapters made in my mind. I won't be able to write them all down in one day because my fingers will most likely fall off and I'll get a higher chance of writer's block for my next book. I don't know if I will be starting the sequel immediately after I finish this mainly because I use Wheel Decide to choose what I will be doing for books. If you all have story ideas that you don't know to start on use Wheel decide. Its the site where you put in titles or words or colors almost anything that will help you with what you want to do. Anygays what do you think is gonna happen in the end? Why would there be a sequel to this story? If you want you can comment on what you think. Anygays love you all, good afternoon, night, and or morning! 

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