chapter 16

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"You said that if I got a job to bring in money that you wouldn't complain, what are you doing right now? Your complaining about my fucking check! Why don't you get a job? Oh, wait you cant! Because you think its okay to just bring people here and kill them leave the whole digging a grave all for me!" Louis yelled clearly pissed off.

Niall dazed off walking away back to the kitchen, they no longer stayed in Harry's mansion anymore. Louis died his hair and uses colored eye contacts. Niall and Louis both live together in a small house not that far off from the city but far enough for them to be comfortable. They have the woods directly in back of their house making it super easy for Louis and Niall to bury peoples bodies. Nobody comes by anymore, rumors have gone around that once you go there you never come back, which is very much true.

"I'm just saying the check you get isn't enough, why don't you give your boss a blowjob so he can pay you extra," Niall smirked his demon face showing, full on devil ears and a red pointed tail.

"No Niall, do you know what would happen to me?" Niall shook his head face full of confusion.

"That's it! No one knows what would happen! He might kill me for being a disgrace by loving the same sex! Or worse, he'll tell the thugs and have them beat me and rape me then kill me! I don't want to die when I am in pain!" Louis threw himself on the floor flailing around like a fish.

"I can just bite you and kill you and bring you back to life but you will be dead." Louis stopped giving a harsh glare at Niall.

"I don't know about you Niall but I prefer to not be the thing that killed my mother. I still haven't talked to Harry about that. I wanna know the truth but I'm not gonna risk going all the way back to New York just to be lied to again." Louis punched the ground beneath him in anger.

"I know I haven't been a vampire for that long, well long enough to forget almost everything about human emotions but like what is up with you humans and liars? Yes, people lie but like you all act like its the worst thing to ever happen." 

"Your hopeless, you'll never find a man with the way you talk, in fact, you'll never find a man that is willing to come out like me." Niall sighed sitting down next to Louis on the floor sadly shoveling food in his mouth.

Louis as well sat down and both sighing while eating away their feelings.


"Another day Harry?" Harry nodded setting his bag down on the chair.

"I told you that he would find out one day and it wouldn't be pretty, I don't know why you had to further the lie to something impossibly big." Harry frowned clenching his fist together holding back his tears.

"I just wanted him to be safe, I even gave him the chance to go home but he stayed with me. I don't even know if he really loves me because of the spell I put on him." Anne felt terribly bad for her son, he was hurting more than she has ever seen him before.

"Well, you'll never know if you never find out. I say go to him, I mean he did go back home right?" Harry shrugged not really knowing the answer to that.

Louis could of went home but why would he risk getting caught by those vampire hunter people?

"If I go back to London I risk getting caught by those people again. I don't think I want to be placed in a white room again. I still don't know what will happen to me or what they will do to me. Eleanor said that she would dissect me." Harry shivered covering his body with his arms at the thought of the brunette with glasses on with an evil smile laughing above him with sharp objects in her hands.

"Harry if you go there and explain to Louis why you lied he might understand, and so what if you get caught, Niall and Louis are your friends well, Louis is your ex-boyfriend but I can tell he still cares about you. They will get you out of there before you know it." Everyone in the darkroom nodded agreeing with Gemma. 

"We won't be able to save you from them but Harry please be careful. I don't want to lose you too. I already lost your father, I don't want to lose you as well." Anne started tearing up remembering when she had to watch her family burn in the fire that took away more than half of their race.

"Mom, I will be as careful as I can. Just... try to believe in me. I can't promise I won't die. Just, I want you all to stay safe, move on and keep yourselves hidden from them as much as possible please." Harry pulled Anne to his chest while Anne cried for the fear of her son possibly dying. 

'I'll come back Mom, I promise.' Harry told himself.


KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Yes, another chapter! Hope you all liked it! Sorry for it being so damn short but like I honestly couldn't think of anything else to write. Anygays I had my first job interview today and I am so hoping that I get the job I want because I feel like this could be the job for me. Anygays I also tried to make this end of this chapter kind of good but like sad so kind of like sentimental? If this was an anime show I know what I would have to for the ending theme song. It would be the sixth ending theme song for Fairy tail because it sounds sad but it also sounds happy. You know what I mean I mean fucking sentimental! Anygays love you all, good afternoon, night, and or morning! 

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