chapter 6

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"Mom, I don't know what to feel right now. I mean Harry, my boss Harry asked me to dinner, he said he needed to talk to me and wanted me to meet him at his house! He even gave me his address like I can't tell if this is a date but like isn't it bad to date your boss? I mean Harry is undoubtfully gorgeous and hot though ugh. Its okay though, hopefully, this isn't a your fired dinner because I don't think I can pull out my waterworks for Harry. I look like an ugly crier. I don't even have any good clothes though, the only good clothes I have is my outfit for work and I can't wear that to Harry's house hell think I can't afford nice clothes, which is true but I have money now and I don't like wasting it. I have a debt to pay. I'll be back mom."


Louis bit his bottom lip looking at the expensive men's clothes. They looked nice but the girl's clothes looked nicer. All the men looked the same and boring, the women's had colors and looked pretty not boring. Louis walked into the men's store coming out two hundred dollars less with a new boring but nice suit. Louis frowned at the outfit. He's already seen what people do to men that wear female clothing around. They get beaten and raped and killed. Louis wasn't going to risk his life just to be happy in pretty clothing.

Louis arrived home and changed then looked at the clock by the fridge. Louis' eyes widened seeing he had to leave now or he would be late. Harry's house wasn't that far so he could get their quick. Taking a taxi was quicker too!


Harry set out all the food, fruits, veggies, everything he knew Louis liked being that he has watched Louis fawn over almost every food and tried to make chicken once and failed. It looked like a burnt pancake. Which is why Harry got the chicken cooked to be perfect and not one bit burnt. All of the bones taken out, glazed with the right seasonings. Everything was perfect. 

Harry jumped when the doorbell rang and seized when he could smell that Louis was here. Harry sped to the door and opened it with a smile welcoming Louis inside.


"You're not having me for dinner to fire me in the nicest way are you?" Harry shook his head and continued to watch as Louis stuffed his face to full content.

Harry hasn't even touched his food at all.

"I wanted to talk with you um about stuff that is going on. You know your my favorite employee like I favorite you over every other employee that I have." Louis blushed and nodded.

"Well, um... oh god Imma just come out with it. You live in my house." Louis dropped his fork and looked at Harry confused.

"I live in, wait what?" Harry sighed and nodded.

"The house you live in. The shabby broken down house that you have done a wonderful job of fixing up. That is my house. I have multiple houses so don't worry about having to move out or anything its okay." Louis nodded quietly.

"Anything else because I can sense there's more than me just living in your house." Harry wanted to nod and tell him about Jay but it was more of a struggle to breathe than talk now.

"Nope, just you live in my house and I wanted you to know that. That's it. You can take some food with you and leave now." Harry got up going to the kitchen and running out with multiple Tupperware.

"I owe you rent now! I am starting to feel more like a normal human now!" Louis smiled eyes shining like stars.

"Rent isn't something to be happy about and you don't have to pay rent you already struggle with feeding yourself." Louis looked to Harry.

"How do you know that?" Harry shot up and began to think of an excuse.

"I don't I just assume you know because you live in my house and like you were homeless. Homeless people always struggle with food." Louis eyed Harry suspiciously.

"Okay, I'll figure you out, Mr. Styles. My mom always figured something out for us when I was little so I will too." Louis grabbed the Tupperware and left with a quiet soft goodbye.

Harry groaned laying his head on the large oak brown table. 

"Is it really that hard to tell him you are his mother's murderer? Honestly watching that was like watching my first performance go down south. That was before I got changed into a vampire by you. Harry you suck, and not in the blood way." Harry snapped his head back and glared at Niall.

"How did you get in here and how do you know where I live?" Niall chuckled.

"I got a good bit of your smell and followed you home one time. Nice place you have here by the way. A bit much don't you think? I mean who would suspect a lonely rich vampire would live in such a huge ass mansion that towers above most apartments in London? No one, no one would. They would think you're a douche with money and want to kill and rob you of all of your money. I swear Harry you make it so easy for people to hate you even more you know. I don't hate you though. I fucking love you! You've made my life pretty fucking great so far." Harry rolled his eyes and went into the wine cellar pulling out a large wine bottle.

Using his fangs Harry took the cork out and drank straight from the bottle not wanting to hear Niall yap any longer.

"Leave before I break this bottle and stab you. I wouldn't mind ending your life, I've never actually seen how a vampire dies you know." Liar, you watch your family but your mother and sister die.

Niall pouted and stopped talking.

"Good boy, now leave I didn't ask for your company." Niall huffed and got up quickly leave before Harry even got a chance to even try to scratch him.

Harry groaned holding his head as the horrid memories of his past crept up on him. Harry always kept them locked away so he wouldn't think of them again but when someone brought them up it was like they were clawing their way to his brain and biting it. It felt like a normal headache for a human but for a vampire, it was like hell wanted to murder him on the inside. 




People were screaming, there was fire in the trees. The villagers and townspeople were holding large sticks of wood with a cloth on the tip that was lit on fire. Ahead of them was a house, a large two story house that was already burning to the ground. The windows were boarded up letting out only a little bit of light, just enough to fit your arm through. The doors were boarded up just the same. Harry, Anne, and Gemma were in the burning forest watching as their family screamed and cried for help to let them out of the burning house. The fire was laced with wolfsbane making it hard for them to breath. 

"Ma we have to help them." Anne shook her head and guided Harry and Gemma further in the burning forest away from the house that they called home.

"Die you filthy vampire, I hope you rot in hell with all the people that you killed!" Anne covered Harrys' ears to block out the human's hateful words.

"We will never come back here again, you hear me? I only want what's best for you two." Gemma and Harry both nodded.


end of flashback


Harry opened his eyes seeing the lights were off, he was still at the dining table. Harry got up and headed to his study taking the bottle of liquor with him. Counting bills was the only thing that got his mind off of his past and Louis. Louis was his past, his past that haunted him for life.


KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Yes, another chapter! I hope you all liked it! Yes, we got a glimpse into Harry's past and why Gemma and Anne are in hiding and traveling a lot. We haven't got a glimpse into his past as to why he didn't stay with them yet but hopefully, we will.

 Anygays not much to say besides send birthday wishes to my stepdad because today is his birthday! Anygays love you all, good afternoon, night, and or morning!

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