chapter 4

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Harry now finally understood why Louis couldn't keep a job all the time, Hary really wanted to fire Louis right now because of many many things. Louis already broke way to many vases and they were packaged, has dropped a heavy box on a horses hoof making the horse freak out and flip the carriage with all the important packaged items, breaking them all. That's not even all of it though, has spilled hot coffee and tea and many other foods on Harry interrupted his meetings and talked back to him. Harry can really see the sas from Jay in Louis when he talks back in a sassy tone. 

"You wanted to see me?" Louis took a seat but made sure there was no paper or anything in his pocket.

"Yeah, I think I should give you a different position, one that isn't destructive but easy for you. I don't want to fire you because I'm trying to turn up a new leaf and try to be nicer to people and give them second chances" Yeah more like I gave your mother way too many chances because her blood smelled amazing till she fucking backstabbed me and I had to kill her.

"Don't you think it would be easier to just fire me?" Louis snapped quirking his brow.

Harry hid the smirk from his face loving the sassy side of Louis, it was way too attractive. Harry quickly adjusted his pants to fix his growing erection behind his desk so grateful the desk was beyond huge.

"Well, first of all, stop talking back to me like that. I really lo-hate it, its super disrespectful and It uncalled for, second your new position will be uh... writer." Louis gave Harry a confused look then looked around looking for whatever could be a hint as to what he was supposed to do.

Harry smiled handing Louis a notebook and a pen.

"When I have my meetings which I have a few every day, all you have to do is write down what I say and what is on the board when stuff comes on the board, that's it, nothing else." Louis nodded taking the notebook and flipping it open writing down something.

Louis turned the book around and showed it to Harry.

(Heart) Louis Tomlinson (Heart) 

Harry bit his bottom lip holding in the aww he so desperately wanted to let out. 


"I'm back mom, Harry gave me a new position. I'm the writer for him. It just like school in history class, you just listen and write down stuff. Thank you for sending me good luck mom. I just wish you could have gotten it beside me." Louis turned back to the picture of his mother after he just stocked his fridge.

The small broken down house was beginning to look more and more like a home. The hole was still in the ceiling but instead of it being covered with a plastic container, now it was a beautiful stained glass window.

The broken window was fixed as well. The house was looking pretty sharp in Louis' eyes, but to Harry, it still looked like trash. As long as Louis was happy Harry didn't mind at all. Harry was just glad that he could watch Louis after he got off work. Louis doing the usual, eating a small dinner, then taking a cold shower, after that he would talk to his mother's picture and go to bed. Harry always had a guilt tugging at his chest when he watched Louis start to cry sometimes while talking to his mother's picture. 

Harry pulled out the scroll from his sock, it was the same scroll from Jay. Harry always kept it reading it from time to time, wondering how such a women as she was could find out his only well not only anymore, secret. Louis would sure find out he's a smart and clumsy as his mother. He's also as beautiful as the women were herself. Sad to watch the love of your life be so oblivious that he's working for this mothers killer. 


"Good morning mom, it's my one month of working for Harry. I honestly can't believe that I have been working for him for so long now. Thank you so much, mom." Louis kissed the photo and fixed his hair in the dusty and broken mirror then left through the door that was now fixed. Yep, money fixes the hinges now the only problem was that the door didn't close anymore. If the wind picked up the door would fly open so now he had to use a brick to keep it closed.

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