chapter 12

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Louis didn't come to work for four weeks, well twenty-eight days to be precise. Harry of course counted. Each day was hell to him. Harry didn't even come to work either, he actually left London for a week after Louis saw who he was. No way to contact his mother to see where she is so he could go with her and save his ass from being found out about. Of course, after the week of not being home, he went back assuming that he was in the clear.

"Did you talk to your little Louis today? Or did he abandon you as your mother did?" Harry growled lunged at Niall who quickly dodged the man.

"It's your fault that Louis won't talks or see me anymore! You're the reason that I am at a high chance of getting hunted down!" Niall shrugged honestly not giving a fuck about the issue Harry is in.

"Yeah that's you though, no one knows that I'm a vampire meaning I am out of the blue to them, but you, I mean you have a high chance you would get killed any second because who knows what people know what you are." Harry hissed breathing through his nose.


"Louis you need to go back to work! I will not be the one to have bills in this apartment. I will personally kick your ass out if you don't go back to work soon." Louis groaned hiding further under his blanket.

'I don't want to see that again. What was that? That couldn't have been Harry, but it was him.' Liam sighed pulling on the blanket and yanking it off throwing it to the floor.

"You smell bad, you barely ate, and you are starting to freak me out. I don't want a dead body in this apartment. Do you know what's gonna happen when somebody finds a dead body in the same apartment that I am in? I will get found out and then get placed in jail and then I will get murdered in jail." Louis rolled his eyes and got up staring blankly at the wall.

'If I go back to work what will I see? Does anyone else there know what Harry is? That damn monster. Who knows what he would do to me? Niall said he would smell me? What did he mean by smelling me? Does that mean he's gonna turn into a worse monster and eat me?' "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Louis held his head in his hands and stared up at the ceiling screaming at the top of his lungs thinking of a monster worse than Harry or is Harry.

"Why are you screaming?" Liam backed up towards the door ready to run away.

"He's too terrifying! I can't do it! I can't go back to that horrid place! Leave me here to starve and die! Its better than dying to that man!" Louis cried grabbing his blanket and wrapping it around himself turning himself into a cocoon.

"I don't know what you said but I don't care anymore. I'm going to work, you better go to work today too. If I come back home and you are not here I will make sure that you are back on the streets!" Liam yelled slamming his bedroom door.

"I don't want to go back to work. How many more things are here like him? What is he exactly? The only way to find out is to see so myself." 


"Wow, you actually came to work today. I was beginning to think that you died in the hands of a vampire or something." Camille joked but internally Louis was shaking his boots.

Louis walked closely behind Camille looking around the room for Harry sighing when he didn't see him here.

"Wheres Harry?" Camille shrugged sitting down on one of the couches.

'This is perfect, I have time to think of how to approach him. Niall's advice better of work because I don't want to die. I want to be with my mom but not right now. I will be with your mom, I promise.' Louis got out of his mind when the door opened.

Louis eyed Harrys every move he made. 

"You two okay? You're like really quiet today." Harry nodded snapping his fingers.

"Camille you have a paid day off, leave." Camille nodded confused but left anyways.

"Tell me what you are. What was that thing I saw." Harry looked away from Louis and sat down at his desk.

Louis getting fed up with the quiet answer jumped up on Harry desk pulling out the stake and aiming it at Harry. Harry's eyes widened when he finally saw what was happening. 

"Jay." Louis stopped and stared at Harry confused.

"Why did you say my mother's name?" Harry didn't respond still in his mind of thinking of the women he killed.

"WHY DID YOU SAY MY MOTHERS NAME?!" Louis yelled slapping Harry.

Harry snapped out of his mind like state and stared at Louis confused.

"You're my mothers killer aren't you? Tell me the truth before I fucking kill you right here!" Louis cried tears streaming out of his eyes, tears of anger.

Harry hated this so much. He made the love of his life cry. 

"I'm sorry, I had to. I didn't want to though, believe me, Louis." Louis shook his head backing off of Harry dropping the stake to the floor.

Louis fell to his knees on the floor. Harry froze in his spot watching the love of his life cry on his floor. 

"Louis I-"

"You have no right to say anything to me you bastard! I hope you rot in hell with all the innocent people you killed. That's why I called in my reinforcements." Harry's eyes widened when the doors were shot down and the windows broke open. 

Tons of people in suits and masks with guns that didn't look like normal guns. 

"Don't you move Harry. We already know what you plan to do. We have all of your plans from Zayn Malik. You're not going to jail your going to hell." Harry tried to run away towards the door using his vampire speed but stopped when he found out his speed was gone. 

"When we all got in here Louis had managed to stab you with our specialized darts. You won't feel it but you have a shit ton of poison flowing through your dead body that will make you slower than an average person now." Harry stared at Louis with heartbreak but understood why he did this.

"Get on the floor or we will have to use force on you." Harry stayed standing not able to move into much pain to think about what was happening. 

Harry was suddenly pushed to the floor and was shot once again this time knocking him out. 


When Harry finally came to he was in a bright room on the floor. No bed, no toilet, no sink. Just a bright white room with a large mirror on the wall. 

"Glad that you're awake. How are you feeling?" Harry looked around looking for the voice that was all over his room.

Suddenly the mirror was now a window. 

"Hello Harry, I'm Eleanor I will be keeping track of the disgusting waste of space that you are." Harry hated the fake smile she put on, it made his stomach want to shrivel up and turn to dust.

"Wheres Louis?" Eleanor tilted her head to the side confused at first.


"Louis, where is he?" 'I need to know how he is.'

"Oh him, has with our crew tearing apart your house. We are gonna find so many dead shriveled bodies there. You will be our new experiment and we can find all of the others and we will have a wonderful non vampire world once again. No more filth to be scared of anymore." Harry frowned looking down.

"I wanna see Louis please." Eleanor shook her head and started walking away.

"The only way you can see him is if he comes here himself and asks to see you. I highly doubt that he would ever want to be around you though. You're a monster that killed his own mother, nobody wants to be around a disgusting killer." Harry slid to the floor pulling his knees up to his chest wrapping his arms around himself. 

'I might never be able to see my Louis again.'


KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Yes another chapter! Hope you all liked it! Anygays I am watching assassination classroom and I fucking love it! Its fucking amazing! It like really makes me want to make an anime show myself. I mean whatever I make will never be as good as any of the anime shows that I have watched especially fairy tail that is the best anime show to ever exist. Anygays love you all, good afternoon, night, and or morning!

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