chapter 14

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"So what is your plan?" Louis shrugged not knowing now that he thought about it.

"I honestly didn't think about it yet." Harry sweatdropped looking down at his lap.

'Great job Harry, use your vampire powers to make your convincing lie even more convincing so he falls in love with you the second you tell him and yet he didn't think of a fucking plan!' Harry looked back up and smiled reassuringly at Louis.

'Now I have to think of a plan? I fucking got the vamp out jeez just throw everything at my asshole.' Louis mentally glared at Harry who was smiling at him with his eyes shut.

"I'm gonna try to use my vampire strength to break these. If I can't then I need you to try to get a key or a bobby pin." Louis nodded watching as Harry broke the cuffs like they were nothing then grabbed Louis in his arms and ran out of the park area. 

It was surrounded by a glass dome, the only way out was either through the glass itself or through the door where you would have to go through the whole building just to leave. 

Harry set Louis down on the floor taking off his shirt and placing it on Louis' head. 

"I'm gonna break through the window, I need you to be protected so keep my shirt on your head got it?" Louis quietly nodded happy that the shirt was hiding the blush on his face.

Louis clenched his eyes shut when he felt the wind on his legs indicating that Harry was moving. Harry held tightly to Louis running straight to the window. The glass broke but Harry continued moving as fast and as far away from the facility. Harry had managed to get almost as far as London's barrier when he finally stopped running. 

"I'm sorry, I should have dropped you off somewhere else. I just I completely forgot that I was holding you. Do you think you can get back home?" Louis stared around the place, it was a highway, no rest stops just cars and grass and trees.

"I'm not going back I'm staying with you." Harry looked down at Louis shocked.

"Really? You know we are gonna be moving around a lot. We can't stay in one place for a long time now." Louis nodded leaning up and kissing Harry's cheek.

"I don't care as long as I get to be with you." 


Harry and Louis have left London and are now in new york, I mean it took a couple of days but they did it. Taking bus after bus. 

"Okay, so one of the hideouts is in New York. You ready for the big apple?" 

"At least it isn't in a sewer. I don't think I could stand to be hiding out in a muggy disgusting place." 


At Harry's house...

"Ugh Harry, please come back soon. You're running out of money and I need money to buy more food. I also need you to hire more maids so I have other food." Niall pouted shoveling more chips in his mouth while laying his head on the large table.


"So your Louis?" Louis shyly nodded holding his hands behind his back.

Gemma leaned forward staring at Louis with her bottom lip jutting out.

"You are short." Louis confidence suddenly deflated while his spirit floated away.

"Gemma leave the poor boy alone." Louis came to again when Anne stood next to Louis with a gentle smile.

"Shes just protective of her younger brother, I'm Anne." Louis smiled up at the tall women and shook her hand.

"I just want to know, why are you not mad at him?" Louis frowned and looked to Harry who was laughing with a group of men.

"He told me the truth, my mother was horrible, she was gonna abandon me anyways." Anne raised her brow then put up a fake smile.

"Yes, my Harry loves to care for almost anything." 

'I'm gonna beat that boy till he begs to die for lying to such a nice boy.' 


"I want him found! I want both of them found! Now!!!!!" Eleanor screamed pissed off. 

'Harry I will find you, I will find all of your disgusting race and make sure it dies just like the fucking dinosaurs. Louis, you will be gone as well.'


KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Yes, another chapter! Hope you all liked it! Anygays yes three whole chapters in one day! Also, I just wanna say that I am sorry for the short chapter I didn't know what else to add. I wanted to add more stuff but like I really couldn't think of anything else to add. So I'm hoping this endnote will help me get to the one thousand marks. Anygays I finally finished season one of assassination classroom. I started watching season two and I am kind of mad at the beginning, I don't like the fact that the animators or writers tried to force pair Nagisa and Karma with other people. Like no honey Nagisa and Karma deserve to be together. Ugh, I swear almost any fucking anime I watch that has to force pair characters together they usually never pair of the characters with the characters that we really want them to be paired with. It's not fucking fair! Anygays I also watched Transformers for the first time today and uh, I don't know what to say besides what the actual fuck?! This movie is way to confusing and weird and crazy and sort of funny but like I don't ever want to watch it again but I also want to watch it again? It's not fairy tail where I fucking watch some random ass episode every day just to keep my fairy tail drug up for the day. Anygays love you all, goodnight, morning, and or afternoon! 

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