chapter 10

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Both Harry and Louis spent their Thanksgiving at home. Niall made Harry a large Thanksgiving dinner since all the new maids and house attendants and cooks were off for that day to spend it with their families. Of course, most of the food was ate by Niall since Harry refused to eat and preferred to take some down to Zayn and feed off of him when Zayn finished. 

"Thank you, Harry," Zayn said while Harry hummed and continued to drink from him.

"I don't need you to die being starved to death. Its way to much of a hassle to find a new person that is as willing as you." Zayn tsked and rolled his eyes and stared at the ceiling.

"Will I ever be able to get out of this room and come outside?" Harry shook his head and stopped wiping his mouth on Zayn's shirt.

"You are to stay in here for as long as I want you to stay here." Zayn nodded watching Harry leave his room and lock the door.


Louis spent his in his apartment with Liam. Liam had used his new job to get them a free Thanksgiving dinner. 

"How come you aren't spending your Thanksgiving with your family? I bet they would be glad to know that you're still alive and well." Liam shook his head.

"No, if word gets out that I'm here or anywhere for that matter I will get hunted down and killed. I have a lot of people wanting to kill me for my money and I ain't gonna risk it. Even to spend time with my family." Louis sighed thinking about his mother wishing he could spend Thanksgiving with his mom.


Thanksgiving came and went, now its back to work for everyone. Louis went into work smiling at Camille and for once calling her by her name. 

Harry smiled when he saw his favorite writer.

"Hope you had a great Thanksgiving Harry!" Louis greeted cheerfully.

"I did, I really enjoyed mine, how was yours?" Louis shrugged.

"My roommate got us a free Thanksgiving dinner at the diner he works at." Harry nodded happy to see Louis cheerful and not at all tired smile.

"How was your Camille?" Harry rolled his eyes tuning out Camille's annoying voice.

"We have a meeting today Harry. I hope this one is short because I heard there wasn't gonna be many people today." Harry groaned remembering he had a meeting with the mayor of a city that was way too far away for his liking. 

"Oh yeah they wanna see if they can buy half of my business profits in return I get fifty percent of their city. I don't want it because I will be run out of my business but like they wanna do a pointless meeting over something they are not gonna get. It's their choice I don't give a shit anymore. Let's go and meet them before they walk in and start to pick apart one of my rooms." Louis nodded grabbing his notebook off of Harry's desk and following Harry outside his office.


"I'm sorry Mr. Styles, I hope to try to do business with you again sometime in the future." Harry nodded once again rolling his eyes and opening the door for the four men to leave.


Louis held his notebook to his chest with a bored smile while following Harry back to his office.

"That was a waste of time I wish to take back. I swear every year I live I always want to go back and fix all the mistakes that have been put on me. That meeting was a mistake I wish to deny instead of accepting." Louis nodded agreeing with anything that Harry said.

"You okay Lou? Your quiet today. If you're tired again you can leave early and get some rest. I don't want you to pass out on my couch again." Louis giggled and shook his head.

"I'm just bored, that meeting was useless as you said and its lunch time so I'm kind of hungry. Do you want to go out to eat with me?" Harry stopped his face heating up and trembling.

'Oh my god, he just asked me out! My fucking lover asked me out! This is the best thing to ever happen to me in my hundred plus years!' Harry turned around with a bright smile on his face and nodded excitedly.

"Yes, that would be amazing." Louis nodded and grabbed his bag.

"Well, let's go! I know the perfect place to eat and it's very cheap. I know that your rich but the longest I've known you I've seen that you care a lot about money but you do like to buy the smallest of priced items." Harry felt like crying at who Louis was.

'How can life be this amazing to me!? I'm gonna die for real this time. The love of my life is gonna kill me and I will be so grateful to die in his arms or to his hands.' Louis waved his hand in front of Harry's face trying to coax Harry out of his daydreaming state.

"Oh, Harry get out of your stupid tall ass mind!" Camille yelled slapping the back of Harry's head.

"You're not getting your paycheck this month now," Harry growled glaring at Camille.


Lunch was amazing and horrible in two different ways. Louis eating and talking about almost anything that can come to mind. Harry not eating a single thing and daydreaming about Louis once again. 

"Do you have a roommate Harry? I mean you  being so rich and all I bet having maids and cleaning people is like having a roommate right?" Harry shook his head taking a sip of the apple juice he was drinking.

Honestly, the only drink that Harry liked besides blood was apple juice. 

"No they aren't like roommates, I never talk to them. I do have a friend that is staying at my house, he such a pain in the ass though. He always eats my food and makes a mess and annoys my maids. He's literally the worst house guest I have ever had. He's like a roommate to me though." Harry growled his fist clenching the cup irritably." 

"He sounds like an annoying little brother." Louis giggled at Harry's irritated face.

"He's not my brother!" Harry screamed faced going beat red his fist clenching as his thoughts were filled with Nialls face and his house being messy with food crumbs.

"I hope to meet this guy that's got you so pissed off." 



KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Yes, another chapter! Hope you all liked it! Anygays when I wrote this I was watching Kiss me not him and it just gave me so many anime vibes. Like this show is legit fucking me! When I was in high school I constantly shipped some of the hottest guys that were best friends with each other. 

Of course, I never had the courage to tell my friends because I was too scared of how they would react but this show legit gave me so much fucking confidence! Oh god, now I'm out and I just have to go back to shipping anime guys and girls together. It's not bad because its fucking amazing! Anygays the whole time I wrote this I was imaging Harry and Louis and Niall and Camille all in anime characters and how they would be like the small irritable thing on anime characters faces and when they get dazed out and have heart eyes when they are in their own little worlds! It's honestly so amazing! I wish my book could become an anime show!

 Best gay anime show ever! Anygays love you all, good afternoon, night, and or morning! 

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