Chapter 2 | the pain in Waiting

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She was waiting for him to finish and it's already been 2 and a half hours and he's not yet finish...

So she flew to spitfire and said

"hey spits when's the initiation test gonna end?"

"probably about an hour and a half" she said

"oh..." she said looking down, spitfire noticed her feeling tired from all the waiting she had for almost 2 hours and spoke.

"hey dash why don't you go somewhere else? Soarin's initiation test will just tire you up from bout visiting your friends from the friendship council? Read some daring do books with dribble chants?"

"it's quibble pants" she corrected

"yea whatever..." spitfire laughed.

"Well my friends are busy" dash replied

"ALL of them?" spitfire asked

"well...applejack and pinkie pie are both in sweet apple achers for some family gathering whatnot, fluttershy has a tea party with discord, twilight and starlight are in the crystal empire,  and rarity is busy running her shops in canterlot" dash explained

"Ouh... Well feel free to stay if you want" spitfire said and flew away..


After waiting another hour dash felt really tired and hungry so she went back to her house and ate... She went outside and stared as the sun slowly sets down...

"Damn...still not finished huh?" she said and and sat on the cloud...

It was around 8:00 in the evening and waiting made her more worried like Wth happened to him...

Until she fells asleep...

*after one hour passed...*

Soarin arrived seeing dash on a cloud sleeping. Spitfire told him about how dash was tiredly waiting for him...wave chill also told him about how she literally tried to wait as long as she could cause knowing her she hates things being taken slow especially waiting......he felt pity for her and he cursed at the Masters who was with him during the initiation...

He landed on the cloud where dash was sleeping on. He smiled at her as she was sleeping peacefully and gave her a kiss on the forehead...

Soarin's POV

(lol finally right?)

After I kissed her forehead I noticed that her wings covered up her body..

Normally that would mean that he/she is cold but...

I touched her forehead and holy shit she's burning

I facedhoof.

I really fucked up this time! Now I got my wife sick because of me!!!

I carried her all the way up to the bedroom and laid her there.

I quickly took a bowl of water with ice in it and a towel. Then I also grabbed the thermometer just in case her temperature won't cool down

After treating her she opened her eyes and spoke

"your finally home.."


"You motherfucking son of a-"

I kissed her cutting her mid sentence

"hey I'm here now no worries..." I winked and she didn't buy it

She sat up and asked

"ugh my head hurts what happened?" She asked

"Well I found you on a cloud feeling cold so I brought you inside and treated you" I replied

"Thanks alot you moron now I don't feel so good!" she shot

I hugged her tenderly and said

"Hey I'll take care of you don't worry.."

She then went silent for a bit so I looked at her and she spoke

"s-soarin I really don't feel so good" she said and hugged her stomach

"Your tummy hurts? Wait here I'll get a medicine!" I said and flew to the kitchen and took out her medicine and grabbed a glass of water cause DUHH she'll need it.

When I flew back up she was gone and I saw her in the bathroom puking

Ok...this is scaring me a taking her to the doctors tomorrow...

Rainbow's POV

I flushed it when I was done and wiped my mouth with water..

Ugh thanks to that idiot I got sick...but wait...

What if I'm really pregna-NOPE! NOT..A..chance...nope! I don't think that's the case...

(a/c: I think it is)

There's no way-

"dash?" soarin knocked

I went out and saw him with a worridly look

"you ok now? Maybe you ate something rotten earlier?" he asked

Yea that could be it...

" fine now" I said and took the medicine he gaved me

"are you feeling better now?" he asked

"Yea.." I said and kissed him on the  cheek

We laid down on the bed and I asked him

"So what was the initiation text all about?"

"a mountain of test probably higher than mount Everest" he laughed

"Really?" I asked

"It's a metaphor" he said

"Oh.." I chuckled

I rested my head on his chest and said

"soarin.. "

"hmm?" he asked

"since your the captain of the bolts now... Does that mean... It's really the end of spitfire's reign?" I asked and he bursted out laughing

"Well... Probably... Because having a baby takes alot of time and attention" he said

"Right... " I said and when I looked at him he grinned and said

"Why all this baby talk of a sudden? Are u-" I covered his mouth with a hoof before he could finish his sentence

"No.. " I replied

He frowned a bit but softened after that...

He cuddled me closer and we both drifted to sleep (^ω^)


Yow im alive!!!!!! Sorry for the long wait everyone! I'll be updating stories as soon as possible! Sorry if u waited too long but other than that I do hope u enjoy 😊❤❤❤❤

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