chapter 11

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Me and the girls were talking and i got to meet all of their foals.

Rarity's daughter was named gem.

Twilight has a son named Midnight

And she also told me she was planning to have another one next year

Pinkie has twins, one filly and one colt

Applejack has one filly named, Orange-I-i mean- Apple rose

And Fluttershy's kid was named destiny.


"Was it troublesome to raise two kids?" i asked pinkie pie out of curiosity

She snickered and replied, "pfft! Well yea it was hard but cheese was there" she says

"oh, then it must be nice to have you're husband with you all the times right?" I asked then she nodded.

"by the way, where's soarin darling?" rarity asked

"oh he's at work" i replied

"Do you guys take turns in taking care of your kid? Or does soarin take all the work?" Twilight asked.

"Well our plan was that soarin would be working until thunder would grow a bit until he could just watch and play while me and him are away." I explained.

"Oohhh, that's a great start! But don't you think you'll need soarin by your side as well? " Fluttershy suggested

"Well don't worry about that cause i think i can manage" i assured them

Soarin's POV

"Alright you can take a break now guys" i told them

"good job soar" spitfire complimented

I scoffed "nothing i can't handle"

High winds landed beside me and said, "just enjoy the respect while it lasts!" they teased and the other wonderbolts laughed.

I rolled my eyes, "we'll see about that" i told them.

"You could take the rest of the day off and I'll have a meeting with the other bolts." Spitfire said

"But present in meetings is crucial in becoming captain" i told her

"Yes but as long as it's not important then it's fine. " She said.

I smiled and rushed to the showeroom and took a bath.


I opened the door to my home feeling excited to see my kid and wife! I then  immediately saw rainbows friends along with their kids. They were talking and saw me a few seconds after the moment i walked in.

"Hey soarin!" They greeted.

"Hey guys" i greeted back. I placed my saddle bag down and walked towards them.

"So do you usually go home this early?" Pinkie pie asked

"Well no, I sometimes go home when its sunset or even later than that" i replied

"Soarin? You're back early" rainbow dash said walking out of the kitchen room.

"Spitfire had a meeting with the bolts and she told me i could take the rest of the day off" i replied.

She smiled at me, "that's great! But i thought attending meetings is crucial when it comes to being a captain" she implied

I laughed, " i know, that's what i said too" i said to her.

I looked around the living room and didn't see thunder anywhere.

"Where's thunderstorm?" I asked

"Upstairs sleeping." She replied

"I'll go check up on him" i said and flew upstairs while rainbow continued chatting with her friends.

I gently opened the door and saw him sleeping on his bed with pillows on the side to avoid him shifting to the edges of the bed and fall.

I quietly sat beside him as i watch him sleep so peacefully. I smiled and rested my head on his bed and stared at him for a few more minutes.


Rainbow's POV

After a few minutes of talking they decided to go home before its dark.

(Btw they used magic to step on the clouds)

I flew upstairs and went to our bedroom and saw soarin's head resting on top of the bed sleeping. I giggled and sat beside him.

He looked tired. I guess he had a rough day back at hq.

I gently poked him until he woke up.

"Sleep on the bed so you could rest properly" i told him.

He stood up and streched a bit.

He laid on the bed and i followed him.

He pulled me close and rested his mussle on my neck.

I playfully rolled my eyes and turned to face him. I squeezed in closer and i felt his grip on my body loosens as he drifts to sleep.

"Geez you and thunder sleep a lot" i said and chuckled.

My eye caught a grin coming out from soarin's lips afterwards, what!? Is he saying I'm sleeping a lot too!?

Well... I guess i do.

Hey guys! Sorry for the wait.. i just had trouble issues within this past couple of weeks but anyways i hope u enjoy and just remember that i love you guys😘 happy new year everyone!

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