Chapter 1

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*Isabelle's POV*

"Last time from the top! 5-6-7-8." The music started to play and i started to dance. Dancing was my favorite thing in the world and my dream was to dance in front of millions of people, showing them my passion for this sport. Only one person in the world knows about that dream though, its kind of silly that i haven't even met that person yet. I could feel my heart pounding and my breaths getting deeper when i finished dancing. 

'Great job ladies! Remember to keep practicing and I'll see you all next week!" My dance instructor said before dismissing us. I walked over to my bag and grabbed a towel to wipe the sweat off my face. I took my stuff and started walking to my car. "Isabelle wait up!" I heard my best friend Danielle call out. I turned to see her smiling and skipping over to me with her curly hair bouncing up and down. She held out my iPod and spoke "you left this in the studio!" After looking in my bag and realizing it was gone i took it from her hand. "Thank you so much! Up to have a movie night when you get home?" I asked her with a suggestive smile. "Of course! I have to run some errands but i'll be home by 7!" she replied while walking backwards to the studio. "See you at 7!" I agreed and continued to walk to my car. Danielle and I were best friends since birth. Our mothers were the best of friends and also danced together. When Danielle and I were 3 our mother's en-rolled us in ballet, tap, hip-hop, and pretty much every dance class available. We also went to the same grade school together which pretty much started our "Best Friends Forever friendship." 

I finally pulled into me and Danielle's apartment building and parked in my assigned spot. I yanked my bag over my head and exited the car. I looked at the clock and saw it was already 4. "shit." i whispered to myself. I'm supposed to be online in half an hour. I quickly opened the door to the loft. When Danielle & i decided we wanted to live together in New York, our parents bought us this loft for our 18th Birthday. My birthday was June 9 and Danielle's was June 10 so we always celebrated our birthdays together. I undid my bun, placing the bobby pins on the sink counter and peeled off my sweaty clothes then hopped in the shower. While i was washing my hair I was singing to the ending of "What's My Name" by Rihanna. "Be the 15th caller and you can win tickets to One Direction's sold out concert! Details to come shortly but now lets listen to their hit single!" the radio announcer said while i was washing my body with my vanilla scented body wash. I rolled my eyes when the song started.

"You're insecure, don't know what for

You're turning heads when you walk through the door

Don't need make up to cover up

Being the way that you are is enough!

Everyone else in the room can see it

Everyone else but you!"

I was not a fan of One Direction. Don't get me wrong, they have amazing voices and catchy songs but they're so full of themselves. Danielle loved One Direction. She had a huge crush on that guy who sings the beginning of all of their songs, Liam Payne. I only knew his name because it was plastered all over the walls of her room. While i was wrapping a towel around my body Harry Styles was singing his solo.

"Baby, You light up my world like no body else

the way that you flipped your hair gets me over whelmed 

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell..."

"Ugh!" I grunted while rolling my eyes. Harry was the worst of them all, dating Caroline Flack and then sleeping with a bunch of tramps. I was sickened by the thought of him. Danielle showed me some of their interviews and i thought it all just seemed too "set up". I quickly pulled on skinny jeans and a flowy tank top. I ran to turn on my lap top. While it was starting up i started to brush out my long wet light brown hair. I quickly signed into my account on while noticing i was ten minuets late. I started to smile once i got a message.

Curlyhead_47: You're late! tsk tsk (;

DancingBelle33: I'm sorry! I was dismissed late from Dance practice :( forgive me?

Curlyhead_47: of course love! i couldn't stay mad at you babe<3

Dancingbelle33: that's cause you looooove me ;D <3

I've been talking to this stranger for about three months. Danielle and the girls dared me to make a profile at a sleepover. I thought it was so stupid to talk to some one you don't even know until I was matched up with him. The first night we chatted on line all night long. He and i shared a lot of common interests. He was into the same music i was and i have never had so much in common with someone before and he was so sweet. My biggest fear was meeting him. What if he was so 40 year old pervert? but i didn't have to fear because he lived in England.

Curlyhead_47: look i need to tell you something...

DancingBelle33: you're not really 19? you're actually 40?! :O

Curlyhead_47: No!! hahaha you need to stop thinking that :P

DancingBelle33: Well then what is it?(:

Curlyhead_47: I want to meet you... in person!

DancingBelle33: Oh.. but you kind of live half way accross the world! :/

Curlyhead_47: Yes, but im going to be in New York this weekend for vacation :D

DancingBelle33: I live in New York! :O

Curlyhead_47: i realize that love haha(: so can i finally get to meet you? In person? Xx

I stared at the screen, shocked. I heard a knock on the door and realize that its already 7. That must be Danielle. "Yo Thompson! open the door its your home girl Peazer!" I laughed and opened the door for Danielle. "I've got Ice cream!!" She said while holding bags of junk food. I let her in and she ran to the kitchen to put everything away. "Danielle, he wants to meet me." I blurted out before she could say anything. "Who?! Internet guy?? Doesn't he live in England or something?" she asked with a puzzled look on her face. "Yeah but he's coming here to New York for vacation and he wants to see me. What do i do?" "Well tell him you're dying to meet him cause i know you are! Now are we watching She's The Man? or Mean Girls?" Danielle asked. "Mean Girls! cause its so fetch!" I said in my best valley girl voice that made Danielle and I giggle. She put in the movie while i grabbed 2 spoons for the large tub of Rock Road ice cream. I plopped on the the couch next to Danielle and started to eat. 3 movies later i heard a noise come from my computer realizing i totally forgot about my Internet boy. I jumped up and moved around my mouse to wake up laptop. 

Curlyhead_47: So i'll take you ignoring me for hours as a yes?(:

DancingBelle33: I'm so sorry! Danielle & i are having movie night & i just forgot im really sorry:(

Curlyhead_47: It's fine love, i know you need your girl time! I'm about to go out with the boys..

DancingBelle33: alright babe, have fun! sorry we didn't talk longer. </3

Curlyhead_47: will do! It's fine sweetheart, i'll see you this weekend? Xx 

I didn't know what to reply. This guy i was crazy about is flying half way across the world for me, i should be excited! But what if he isn't anything i expect. What do i expect?


This is my first fan fiction.. kinda! haha PLEASE vote and comment and yeah! I hope you all enjoy and if not then thanks for reading (: <3

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