Chapter 12

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this story is on hold because i'm really busy atm but i hope to continue this story</3 :(


*Isabelle's POV*

I felt soft locks of curls being shaken on my face. I scrunced my nose cause it tickled and slowly opened my eyes to find a pair of green ones staring at me with a smile. "It worked! You're awake!!" Harry yelled as I sat up. "Im up! Im u-" I started to say before he crashed his lips onto mine.

"Goodmorning to you too Harry!" I said as we pulled apart. He grinned and got out of bed. "Get dressed Bells, We already loaded your things onto the bus. We're just waiting on you!" He said before closing the door leaving me to change.

I checked the clock before sitting up. 7:32 am. I only got a couple hours of sleep cause i was up all night with Dani trying to figure out who would take our spots for the dance classes and who would take our loft when we leave. Luckily, Emily's friends offered to teach our classes and Danielle's cousin would stay in the loft.

I pulled on my yoga pants and one of Harry's sweat shirts and aprroached the mirror. I brushed out my hair and twisted it into a messy bun. I already packed all my make up so i just put on a pair of sun glasses and rainbows and walked out of my room.

I took one last walk around the loft remebering all the fun we had here. All the sleepovers with Em and the parties. I'm really going to miss this place. "Bye Loft, I'll see you in a year." I whispered and blew a kiss before leaving the loft. I walked towards the large tour bus eagerly, excited to start this new chapter of my life. 

The tour bus looked amazing on the outside but it was freaking huge on the inside! There was two couches that turned into twin sized beds, the dinning table can be flipped to a queen sized bed, double bunk beds in the hall way, and a king sized bed in the main room. On top of that there was a kitchen filled with food!

"Pretty sure this bus is a billion times nicer than my apartment." Emily said as i walked into the bus. She was sitting on the table with Niall while he was feeding her a bag of chips. Louis and Zayn were playing Xbox, Liam and Danielle were laughing about something and Harry was no where to be seen.

"Where's Haz?" I asked no one in particular. "He's in the main room in the back." Louis replied with his eyes glued to the screen. "Thanks Lou!" I replied and started to make my way back there. The door was opened a crack as I slowly approached the room.

"Hey baby.." I said quietly as i creeped into the room. His back was facing me and his head was down. I could tell something was wrong from the second i saw him. My heart shattered into a million pieces when my boyfriend's head turned and i saw tears in his eyes.

He turned around and started to come to me for a hug. I opened my arms and took him in. Harry started to sob histerically as we fell to the ground. "shhh shhhh shhh." I said trying to comfort him. I kicked the door closed with my foot to give us privacy.

"Harry, what's wrong?" I asked with his head still cradled in my neck. His hands were gripping my back as if he was holding on for dear life. It took him a couple minuets to calm down and he slowly pulled away. "My mum.. she's in the hospital." He said so quietly but loud enough for me to hear.

I wiped the tears off his cheeks and held his broken hearted face in my hands. "What happened?" I asked. "She... She had a fever for a while and it wouldn't go away and when they took her to the doctor.. he said she has Leukemia." He said slowly and broke out in tears again.

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