Chapter 10

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*Isabelle's POV*

I opened my eyes expecting to find a mess of curly hair. Instead i found myself alone. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. What time was it? I looked at the clock that read 10:45am. Next to a clock was a hot cup of coffee and a rose. Harry Styles is the sweetest guy ever! I took a sip of the coffee and found a note.

Good Morning Love!

I didn't want to wake you up cause you looked so peaceful asleep. The lad's and I left for an interview but i'll see you later. There is a surprise out in the kitchen for you girls and it's not the breakfast Niall kindly made for you all. 

Love, Your Sex God<3

p.s. Last night was fun (; xx

Right when i set down the note Emily and Danielle came into the room. Eyes still shut as they made their way to collapse on the bed. "FINALLY! something that's not a couch!" Emily said. "I slept on Liam the whole night and It's not like he's soft and squishy! that boy is solid!" We all started to giggle at Danielle's comment. "Niall is so sweet!" Emily said causing us to "Awww." "Okay! we'll talk about the boys AFTER we see the surprise they left us.

We all walked into the kitchen and saw a stack of pancakes made for each of us with a side of bacon and eggs. "OH YUM!" Emily yelled and ran to the biggest stack. In front of each plate was an envelope marked with our names. "This is so cute!" Danielle said and opened her envelope. Inside the envelope was front row tickets to the concert tonight, back stage passes, and a credit card? I had Harry's credit card, Danielle got Liam's and Emily got Niall's. We were confused until we found a note under the pot of coffee. 


You have just recieved awesome tickets to the best concert EVER! Anyway take our cards and buy something to wear for tonight. Don't worry about the price just buy whatever you want. We're pop stars remember? The job kind of pays a lot. Have fun. A limo will pick you here at 6.

-LOULOUBEAR, Nialler, Dj Malik, Daddy Direction, and Haz xx

We all screamed and jumped up and down after i read the note aloud. "This is going to be THE best day ever!!" Emily screamed then continued to eat her pancakes. We all sat around the kitchen talking about what we want to wear and how we want our hair. Once we finished breakfast Danielle handed me a bag. "We picked up some clothes last night so we dont have to drive back to the apartment." She said and winked at me. "Perfect!" I said as I walked into Harry's room, Danielle went to Liam's, and Emily went into Niall's.

I turned on the radio to hear "One Thing" playing as I stepped in the shower. I used some of Harry's shampoo and soap to wash my body. As I was rinsing my hair I heard the boy's voices from the radio.

Interviewer: "Good morning New York! I have a special treat for you! I have One Direction here with me right now ready to answer some juicy questions!

The Boys: Hello!

Interviewer: So we have seen some pictures of you with some girls. Jumping in the Hudson river? Fleeing a club? then at a club last night without Harry? Are these one night stands?

Liam: No no no not at all! Those girls are amazing!

Interviewer: Ahh I see some love brewing up in New York! Tell me how you met these 3 gorgeous girls?

Harry: Well as strange as it sounds I met one over the internet.

Interviewer: Internet dating? What was your reaction when you met her?

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