Chapter 5

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*Harry's POV*

We drove around for what seemed like eternity! Going through tunnels and over bridges, listening to Danielle honk and yell at the other drivers, It started to be unbearable. "ARE WE THERE YET?!" Louis screamed for the billionth time."Almost sweetheart." Danielle said trying to calm him down. "Why won't you tell us where we are going?" Liam asked in a frustrated tone of voice. "Cause we're trying to kill you!" Isabelle replied and then laughed like an evil witch. Liam, Zayn and I started to laugh at her poor impression of a witch but Lou and Niall had scared impressions on their faces.

"We're here!!" Danielle said as we pulled into a little shop that had a neon pizza sign on it. "Where exactly are we?" Zayn asked. "We are at the first stop of Danielle and Isabelle's Tour of New York!!!" Isabelle said while throwing her arms up in the air. She was so cute. "You guys said you were hungry so we are going to give you a little taste of New York." Danielle said while opening the door for us.

The restaurant was very small. Small enough to question whether or not to even call it a restaurant. The lad's and I sat down at the only table in the place while the girls went to order. "We'll take one large Manhattan Pie with extra cheese and 7 Brooklyn Bridges on the rocks." Isabelle ordered before sitting in the chair next to mine leaving the only chair available for Danielle was next to Liam. As everyone got into their own conversations i turned to talk to Isabelle.

"So what is a Brooklyn Bridge and why am i eating it with rocks?" I asked Isabelle. She laughed at me and put  her hand on my cheek. "It's a drink babe. On the rocks means with Ice." I blushed and suddenly felt dumb about my question. "You New Yorker's are certainly strange people." I said as i took her hand in mine. "Hey! who's judging who now?" she asked with a cheeky grin. "I'm just saying, In London we don't have scary little pizza places like this!" I replied with a fake disgusted look on my face. "You don't have a New York Kiss in London either." she said in a teasing voice. "Woah woah woah! What's a New York Kiss?" I said intrigued. "You don't know what a New York Kiss is?" She replied trying to make me feel dumb. "Nope, You're just going to have to show me." i replied cheekily while leaning into her face. "I'd be more than happy to." she whispered and slowly moved her head closer to mine. Our foreheads met and our noses touched. I couldn't stop smiling and she couldn't either. Just when our lips were about to touch-

"LARGE MANHATTAN AND SEVEN BROOKLYN BRIDGES!" a thick New York accent called out and caused Isabelle and I to separate yet again. "I'm guessing that nonsense he just spoke of, is our food?" Louis asked with a questionable look on his face. The server placed a large pizza in the middle of our table and put a strange looking drink in front of each other. "Eat up!" Isabelle said while placing a slice on her plate and everyone mimicked her move. I took a slice of pizza and took a bite. It was literally the best pizza i have ever had. The cheese was extra gooey and was covered in pieces of bacon and other types of meat. The crust had a perfect buttery crunch to it. "So?" Danielle asked as we all took a bite. "Oh. My. God." was the only thing me and the lads could say. "I need more!" Niall said with pizza sauce all over his face. "This is just the beginning guys! There will be more food, I promise." Isabelle said to Niall who was on his third slice. After finishing the pizza and paying the girls took us outside.

"What time is it?" Isabelle asked Danielle "We have 5 minuets!" she squealed. "Come on guys hurry! We might miss our Second stop!" Isabelle yelled and took my hand in hers. We all started running as Isabelle and Danielle lead us through crowds of people. It's about 2:30 am and there's still people out? This really is the city that never sleeps.

The girls lead us into the middle of the street in Time Square. "Are you crazy?! We're going to get trampled!" Zayn cried out. "Don't move! just wait 30 seconds!!" Danielle said back. "Are you ready?" Isabelle whispered in my ear. "For what?!" I asked. Just then i heard the cow bell of the intro to our hit single, ring through the streets and suddenly everyone stopped. The song continued to play and all of the people started to dance the same choreography. I spun in a circle to take in what was happening. "Oh my God!!!" Louis screamed while the lads and i started screaming and jumping. "It's called a flash mob!" Isabelle said. "Everyone learns the same dance to the same song and preforms it at the same time and place... tonight was What Makes You Beautiful!!" She screamed.

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