2. Regret.

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Jessica woke up in a hotel room laying in a bed by herself. She looked around not recognizing her surrounding in the same instance realizing she was naked. She quickly pulled the cover over her as if someone was there to see her.

"Hello?" She yelled out. Her head was booming and her memories from the night before were all over the place. She slowly got out of the bed as she walked through the double doors seeing that this had to be a presidential room or something. It was huge. She didn't see anyone as she spotted her phone on the couch. She went to it as she wrapped the sheet around her more. She had 15 missed calls from Alexis and 4 text messages from her. All recent. Just as she was about to call her back, Alexis was calling. She quickly answered as she brought her hand to head, as a slicing pain went through her head. She needed water and Advil ASAP.

"Girl, where are you?" Alexis questioned. "I don't know!" Jessica let out. "A hotel, with a booming headache and a dry ass mouth." She looked around seeing the refrigerator, going over to it hoping there was a water in it. She drank way too much last night.

Alexis laughed. "Girl, you were supposed to meet me down here an hour ago."

"What?" Jessica was super confused. Was this planned? She found a water and quickly opened it and drank it. Alexis sighed as she sat in her car. She'd been calling and texting Jessica for the last hour.

While Alexis ended up kicking it with Xavier for the night, Jessica spent her night with Mateo. "Girl, last night we said we would meet back up at nine in the morning."

Jessica rubbed her head as she headed back to the room to find her clothes. "Alexis I don't remember any of this."

"So wait, do you remember anything from last night?" Alexis knew she got drunk but she didn't think she was that drunk. She damn sure wasn't acting like it.

Jessica slid her dress on as she put Alexis on speaker trying to think back to last night. She remember sitting in Xavier's section and talking to Mateo. He made her laugh and he was fine as hell that she remembered. She remembered drinking, a lot. The last she remembered was leaving the club with them. "I remember leaving the club, that's it."

Alexis got wide eyed. "Okay bitch, get your ass down here and we'll talk. I'm in my car." With that she hung up as she waited for Jessica. A text came through from Xavier as she smiled. She really was feeling him on the low. He gave her great conversation and though they spent the night together he didn't even try to have sex with her and she liked that.

Meanwhile Jessica checked around the room to make sure she had everything and grabbed the water she had been drinking before walking out. She quickly made her way down seeing Alexis sitting in the drivers seat with a smile on her face as she was texting on her phone.

She quickly got in the passenger seat, "do you have any Advil?" Jessica asked as she laid her head back on the headrest and closed her eyes. Alexis looked over at her. "I might," she reached over opening her glove department. Jessica was in luck because a bottle sat right there. She handed it to her as Jessica took out two and washed them down with water.

Alexis started driving off as she headed to Jessica's house. "So tell me what the hell happened last night." Just as she said it something she didn't remember earlier came to mind. She kissed Mateo, no she was kissing him. A full make out session in the hotel room that she was just in.

Alexis peeped her face, "you good?" Jessica nodded as she swallowed. She had sex with a stranger, that she definitely pieced together. "I stayed with him?" She questioned. She didn't know why it was just now hitting her. Alexis gave her a slow nod, "we left the club and you and Mateo, that's his name right? We're all googly eyed. Pretty sure you were both drunk. But the way the two of you were holding yourself none of us thought y'all were that drunk. But you got me thinking I read that wrong."

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