3. Good News?

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"All of your test came back Negative Ms. Brown!" Jessica let out a breath as she held the phone to her ear, "thank you so much!" She responded back with a smile as they ended the call. She got tested for everything under the sun seeing as how she wasn't sure if they used protection or not.

Alexis sat across from her with a smile, "see trippin' over nothing." Jessica picked around her food, "you never know now and days." Alexis nodded agreeing with that statement. "How are you and D?" She questioned as she took a bite of her food.

Jess smiled, "good, really good." Her smile dropped. "But I still feel bad about having sex with someone else."

Alexis rolled her eyes, "girl y'all were broken up! It's not like you cheated and for all you know he could've had sex with somebody else too." She had a point. "You're right."

"Besides, it's been weeks at this point. I need you to get over it." Jessica sighed, "I know, anyways. How are you Xavier?" She smiled automatically causing Alexis too as she picked up her drink taking a sip from it.

It'd been a month since she met him and they talked everyday. "I'm ready for the off season so I can see him more. But we're pretty good, but you know I'm still doing me. He's a professional football player so I don't want to put too much pass him."

That was something Jessica could understand. "Didn't you just fly out last week to see him?" Alexis nodded, "yeah when he had a game in New York. He flies me out to see him, but it's not like he's in that city for long. So I'm ready for him to be settled."

Jessica nodded her head, "I get it. Be able to spend more time."

"Exactly. But off that. What you got planned for the day?" Jessica took a bite of her food before responding. "D's getting Briana and wants us all to go to movies and dinner and whatnot. So that. I haven't saw her in a while but I know he's been getting her so I asked about it and he planned this day."

"Why haven't you been seeing her?" Alexis asked with her eyebrows knitted. "He used to always have that crumb snatcher around."

Jessica laughed, "Lex that's mean." She laughed as well, "I'm just saying, Miss chatty box was always there."

"I know, that's what I said. But he said he was just giving us our time to get back after the break up." Alexis rolled her eyes, "bitch y'all were broken up for a week, get the fuck out of here." Jessica shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know. I'm not trippin' though. What you got planned?"

"Going to the bar with this guy I met last week." Jess lifted one of her eyebrows. "Do tell." Alexis waved her hand, "nothing special, met him at Pulse. He's a cutie though. Young though, only twenty-one. But old enough to drink and that's the important thing." Jessica laughed, "I feel it. You don't ever get nervous that someone who rocks with Xavier will see you out with any of these dudes?"

Alexis looked down at her finger, "am I married? Did I miss something." Jessica rolled her eyes while Alexis laughed, "we haven't made anything official. Plus he's from San Diego. We're in San Francisco, an eight hour drive okay? I doubt it's anyone here who knows him like that outside of watching him on the big screen." She knocked on the wood table after making the statement causing Jessica to laugh.

"Okay. Just making sure. You've never talked about a guy to me for so long, so I'm just happy for you. Sounding like a potential boyfriend." Alexis got wide eyed. "Whoa, slow your roll. We don't do that over here."

Alexis' phone went off as Xavier's name popped up, a smile automatically came to her face. She liked him and she couldn't flex like she didn't. "I'll be back," she smiled as she left the table to take the call.

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