Dallas Winston - "You know how embarrassing..."

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I look at my watch, sighing.

He was supposed to be here two hours ago.

Tonight is our 6th month anniversary.

A big deal to me, but apparently not to him.

All of a sudden, the phone rings, Startling me out of my thoughts.

I turn to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" I say into the phone

"Hey Y/N, It's me" Someone replys

"Dally?" I ask

"Yea..." He says slowly "I nee-"

I sigh cutting him off
"I'll be right there."

I grab the keys to my car walking out the door, then drive to the police station.

"Hey Miss. Y/N, Here to post bail?" an officer says

"Yea" I sigh handing the officer money

I try to play my anger off as a joke
"If this keeps happening I'll just have you run me a tab, Officer Gerald." I try to laugh

Officer Gerald just looks at me.
"I know your joking" He says "But part of me thinks you're serious."

I look down then back up

I see Dally come down the hall.

I tell Officer Gerald bye then walk out the door, not waiting for Dally.

When I get outside I don't even stop at my car. I just keep walking.

"I'll get my car later." I think to myself

"Y/N" I hear Dally yell after me "Y/N WAIT"

I keep walking

"Y/N PLE-" I stop walking, turning on my heel, facing Dally who was still trying to catch up with me.

I hold up a hand signaling for him to stop talking

"Save it, Dallas." I say

"Let me-"

"No." I say "Do you know how frustrating it is to do this?"
I ask angrily

"I have to do this almost five times a week. I work too damn hard for my money Winston. Too damn hard to waist it on bail money."

He opens his mouth to say something but I don't let him.

"You know how embarrassing it is to have the Cops be on a first name basis with you? No you obviously don't. Because you're never the one giving bail."

I turn back around and keep walking
Dally grabs my arm, turning me back around.

"Let go of me, Dallas."

"Y/N let me explain."

"No. I'm sick of always listening to your explanations. I'm sick of always bailing you out. I'm sick of this whole thing, I love you dammit but I can't keep doing this." I feel a tear slip down my cheek, I wasn't even aware I was crying.

"Y/N" Dally says softly looking as if he was about to cry as well.

"No Dallas." I wipe the tear, only to have more follow down my cheek. "I can't do this anymore"

I sniff and shake my head

"Y/N, I'm so sorry."

"It's too late for sorry."

I walk away. He doesn't even follow me.

I make my way to the Curtis house

When I get there I knock on the door.
"Oh hey Y/-" Soda stops "What's wrong?"

I start crying.

Soda wraps his arms around me, just holding me.

"Who's at the door?" Ponyboy asks walking up with Johnny

"Oh, Y/N what's wrong?" Johnny asks

Soda leads me to the couch

Darry walks in from the kitchen, along with two-bit and Steve.

No one else questions what's wrong the all just walk over to me and put their hand on my back or shoulder, in a comforting way.

They all know.

I wipe my eyes and look up at Darry

"You were right" I whispered

"Oh Y/N, I didn't want to be right." He said "I've never seen you happier then when you were with him."

"Well, happiness is only temporary." I say

"Did you read that from a Book?" Two-bit asks

Him and the gang is always teasing me for being like Pony, for liking books.

I sniff "I don't know, probably."

I know he meant for it to be a joke but honestly I don't feel like laughing.

We all sit there in silence for a few minutes

"What do you say we all watch a movie?" Darry asks

"I guess....." I say

Darry gets up to put a movie in and Soda takes his seat beside me putting an arm around my shoulder, Ponyboy is on the other side of me, Johnny beside him, with Steve and Two bit sitting on the ground infront of me.

Darry takes a seat at his chair.

About a half hour later I start to doze off, but before I'm completely out I hear two voices.

"She don't wanna see you" I hear Sodapop say

"Please just let me in" I hear someone else say.... I assume it's Dally

"No, Dally. You hurt her enough. Go away"

"I need to let her know ho-"

"I said no, now beat it Winston."

I get up off the couch

"It's ok, Soda." I say quietly "I'll only be a minute"

I walk outside and sit on the porch chair.

I clear my throat

"Go ahead." I say looking out into the street

"I'm so sorry, I know your sick of me aways ending up in the cooler. I know your sick of having to bail me out." He says "I know you want nothing to do with me, but please give me a second chance"

I look at him

"Please?" He begs "I don't know what I'd do without you in my life, You're the only who's ever believed in me."

I look at the ground

"I know I come off as tough, but you change that. You make me a different person, a better person."

"Dallas Winston." I exclaim "If I make you a better person then why do you always end up in the cooler?"

"I always end up there because I don't listen to you." He shouts "I don't listen when you tell me not to do something. And dammit I know I should but I don't. And I'm sorry, just give me one more chance, I swear you won't regret it."

I look into his eyes

I sigh "Fine, but you better not screw up."

I stand up and walk back inside, Dally following me.

"Oh thank god." Says Johnny "I was worried you guys wouldn't be able to solve things."

Everyone just laughs

We sit down and spend the rest of our sixth month anniversary watching movies with the gang, and honestly I couldn't think of anything I'd rather be doing then this.


Another Dally one..... haha

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