Sodapop Curtis - Runaways

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The rain hit the roof of the house hard, thunder shaking the walls as Sodapop stood there.

He had came to a realization that after, a realization that haunted him ever since, one he couldn't shake from his mind.

He didn't belong here, he didn't want to stay in a place where he didn't feel he belonged.

He didn't want to be here anymore, he wanted to leave... but by leaving he was abandoning Darry and Ponyboy... and the gang... and Y/n.

Without much thought, he rushed back to his and Ponyboy's room, the house was empty, Darry having took Ponyboy to the movies. Soda rushed out to his truck, heading to Y/n's house. He didn't even have to knock, as soon as he jumped out, Y/n ran out. The rain soaking her clothes.

"Hey Sodapop, what brings you by? It's raining cats and dogs." Her voice was loud from having to shout over the rain and thunder.

"Y/n I'm leaving town...come with me." He said, pulling the girl close. "I can't stay in this town anymore. I want more than this..."

"But what about Darry? And Ponyboy? And the gang? You can't just leave them." Her voice was soft and concerned as she looked up at him.

"It's not like I want to... but Y/n, if I stay here, I'm doomed to repeat the same thing, day after day, week after week, year after year... I don't want to work at the DX my whole life baby..."

"Soda... if you want something new you find a new hobby... or you take a road trip, you don't skip town."

"Look, Y/n. I've made up my mind, I'm leaving town and you can either come with me or stay here where things don't change, where there's no sense of adventure." Soda looked down at her, running a thumb over her cheek. "I can't stay here, if you can, then good for you but I can't- so I'm leaving with or without you."

Y/n bit her lip, looking past Sodapop, into the distance. She thought of the pros and cons, a pro being she'd get to be with Sodapop without having to worry about life getting in the way... a con being she'd be leaving her family, her friends, the gang... she looked back at Soda, taking a deep breath before nodding. "I'm coming with you, Soda."

Soda's face lit up, whether it was because of the lightning that just struck or because of a smile, it didn't matter. He leaned down, kissing Y/n gently.

"Let's get going then, before they realize I'm not home anymore."

The two wet teens rushed into his truck, the heat on full blast. "So where are we headed?" Y/n asked, rubbing her arms.

"I don't know yet..." Soda looked at the rain trickling down his window. "I don't know..."

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