10. Let It Go

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What better fitting chapter for it to happen than the 10th?

Chapter 10: Let It Go

Midway Peak

7pm was finally here, and the Excess Express finally arrived at Midway Gala, taking place upon a balcony on a mountain that towered miles above the ocean below; so high one could almost see where the Earth curved round. The Corporate Presidents and their children all stepped off to join. Many rich types in powdery wigs and uniforms sat at curtained tables and socialized. Mom was the last one to step off, walking awkwardly. The other presidents passed this off as the result of her injury, but that wasn't the case. "Nnn! Keep up, you little brat!" she hissed under her breath.

Cheren squatted low and walked with Mom under her dress, feeling very awkward about his position. He took a very light peek through the front, glancing up as the mountain seemed to go forever. "Mom? Where are we, exactly?" he whispered.

Mom glanced around to see no one was close enough. "This is just one floor of the Holy Ground, Mt. Mariejoa. It's the tallest mountain in the world, and the World Government's ultimate headquarters. At the very base of this mountain is Enies Lobby, the base of the Teen Ninjas and the secret assassin group, CP10."

"Enies Lobby, I've heard of that. The Sea Train from Water 7 goes there."

"The government specially ordered their skilled carpenters to build the track there a long time ago. But they're just small time. We're at the Midway Peak, which is the Corporate Presidents' main base, and where the Head President lives. And the very top of the mountain rests the World Leaders' castle. The mountain was modeled after the Sky and Spear Pillars, and it's said this used to belong to the Light Goddess, Palutena. I dunno how the World Leaders could've occupied it."

Cheren glanced around further, and took notice of a familiar, puffy-haired blonde girl in a green dress, standing by her lonesome. "Carol!"

"What?" Mom asked.

"Huh? Oh, not you, it's someone my friends know."

"Hmph." She glanced at the girl. "Small world."

Mom stepped over to a table as Cheren crept under its curtain. "Now just stay out of sight until the Head President appears. And when she does, kill her." She spoke with a grim look. She walked away casually as Cheren remained in place. Killing the top head in front of so many rich, powerful types... this was Cheren's hardest mission, yet. But... he would see it through.

Cheren glanced under the curtain and found Doflamingo's daughter, Sugar standing by the railing and viewing the horizon. The gentle wind breezed past her hair and coat as she played a calm, peaceful tune on a small leaf. It eased Cheren's mind from the mission... until Sugar stopped after 30 seconds.

Hendry Middle School

Hendry Middle School. A fortress that's been through many trials throughout the years. Even though it was destroyed almost 21 years ago, and newly rebuilt 15 years ago. It was the perfect hideout for Teen Ninjas. They posed as "Hall Monitors" to the teachers, in just really fancy outfits, but any kid outside the school would know their true purpose. "Hey Slider, you got a date for the Summer Dance, yet?" a ninja patrolling the roof asked.

"Nah, but I'm thinkin' of asking Nya, she's got a nice bod. Only other guy she likes is her cousin. Whadda 'bout you?"

"That Tracy girl is cute, I think her dad was even-"

"Snot-nosed twerps off the southern gate! Repeat, SNOTTY kids approaching the south gate!"

The duo scrambled to get some binoculars and view the small sea of bikes and trikes zooming to their school. "READY the Fountain Cannons! Load the Footbombs and NEXT PERSON THAT TOUCHES MY IPOD'S GETTIN' THEIR HEAD RUN THROUGH!"

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