44. Demon State

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Anyone up for strawberry milk? Today's code uses Atbash Cipher, however the letters are scattered.

Chapter 44: Demon State

Foster's; Extremeasaur Cage

"So you've made your first Friend." Morgan said nonchalantly as Sunni was still hugging Peas to her cheek. "I suppose if you were desperately hungry and had nothing else to eat, he would make a decent snack."

"Ewww, I don't like food that screams." Sunni said. "But Aunt Morgan, haven't you ever stopped to think, I dunno, maybe Imaginary Friends are more than just a way of entertainment? I mean, these little guys still have hearts, don't they?"

"Imaginary hearts aren't the same as real hearts. The only feelings the Friends have are those that the creator feels. They're made only to suit the creator's desires. My own siblings, for instance, were the ideal family I've always wanted, a brother to fight with, sisters to joke around with, all of them to support me. But in time, I learned to embrace the fact they weren't real. It may seem like these Friends have natural feelings, but that's only their illusion. Imaginary Friends-"

"The same woman that attempted to kill, and humiliated her nephew in front of a bunch of rich people, is lecturing me about Imaginary Friends." Sunni stared reprovingly, as did Peas. "I think I'll believe what I want about this matter. Aunt Morgan, even if you're right about Imaginary Friends, they still make kids happy, and they leave a lot of good memories by the time they're adults. Besides..." Sunni frowned regrettably and looked away, "sometimes you kinda feel sorry for them. They have to rely on their creators or psychicbenders if they wanna survive. They're forced to be dependent on people. If they had as much freedom as humans did, I'm sure they would want to be more than... 'entertainment.'"

"Perhaps you're right." Morgan replied. "It's merely the law of nature that was set in place for them. But we can't change nature. Imaginary is what it is."

"That's still no reason to show favoritism for the monsters." Sunni glared. "If you're noble enough to pay this place's mortgage, you'd give your power to all the other Friends, too. Make friends with them, give them a sense that they won't be forgotten and fade away."

"I'm not going to waste my time with useless Friends who aren't even-"

"Then I will." Sunni declared. "I'll make contracts with every Friend in this house. I have more Psychic Chi than I know what to do with, I guess I'll share it."

"Hm." Morgan made a wry smile. "Now you're obviously just making false devotions to imply that you know better than me. Sunni, I think you do have potential as a psychicbender, so don't waste it all on these living child's toys."

"Or is someone afraid that my army of Imaginaries will kick the crap out of your Extremeasaurs?"

"If you want to exhaust yourself, you can try. But even on their terms, you couldn't possibly make friends with all of them. I'd love to stay and watch you attempt, but I have business to attend to. Do me a favor and tell Cheren not to break into my parties."

"Pfft, tell Mom not to sneak him into your parties." Sunni eye-rolled.

As Morgan was about to walk away, she stopped at this statement. "...Mikaela snuck him into my party?"

"What? No, not my mom, I meant Mom the... person. Th-The Corporate President."

"...I see." Morgan resumed walking. "My mistake."

They waited in the cell until Morgan's footsteps faded. "So um, you're really gonna make contracts with everyone?" Peas asked.

"Sigh, I guess I have to now." Sunni sighed. "Know a good place to start?"

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