Before They Were Kings: Stone Buddy

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This chapter is kind of plot heavy and previews something important. Also, time for a history lesson!

Chapter 5: Stone Buddy

3,970 years ago, Ancient Europe

Since the destruction of numerous Sacred Trees 30 years ago, demons have ravaged the world and Demon Wars took place for the umpteenth time. A Second Age of Kids Next Door rose to being and fought the demons, turning the war for the better. But these brave little children weren't the only warriors in this era. There is a story of five children who could control the earth, and they hailed from different regions. One day, these children met and became close friends. They each possessed a different variant of their power, and working together, they became a formidable team.

When these children grew older, they became renowned warriors. Their base was a gigantic tree that grew within a mountain range. A girl of sixteen stood before the great tree, eyes closed as her hands and feet were planted firmly on the ground. She had messy brown hair that was cut short, and she wore green armor that covered her body, except her arms and legs. Large white rings with green emeralds were around her ankles.

Granite could see across the earth for miles. The demons were coming to sap the life from the tree. Granite smiled, feeling pure confidence in her friends. "Sovite, they're coming up the mountains from the north. They're Nejirons posing like moving rocks. Are they silly or what?" She spoke with a childish voice for a 16-year-old girl.

"Silly? They're as dense as rocks." Sovite smirked, his metal earpiece ringing with the message.

"Denser than you!" Granite grinned playfully.

"Not for long!" Sovite stomped the mountain and turned it into a volcano. Lava erupted from the top, and Sovite willed it to flow down over the Nejirons. Sovite was a muscular boy of 18 years, wearing only a gold armor skirt on his red hot body. He had spiky brown hair and a developing beard.

"I feel some coming from underground, four miles southwest of my location!" Granite reported.

"These Ergtoroks make me irk!" Quartzite surfed over the landscape on a sandwave along a sandy trail he had created. Quartzite was seventeen with black hair to his neck, wore dark-purple armor over his chest and pelvic areas, leaving the rest of himself bare except his metal wristbands and ankle bands. He stopped over the indicated area and broke the surrounding land into sand. "I'll stir them into stew and eat them up!" He waved his arms from his solid sand platform and stirred the sand into a whirlpool. The sand squids – Ergtoroks appeared on the surface, trying to cough rocks at him. Quartzite defended as he brought the squids to the center, intent on crushing them.


"OUCH!" Granite cupped a hand over her earpiece. "Hornfels, you're our information relayer, we can hear you without the yelling!"

"But they ambushed me from the sky!" Hornfels was ducking as three Kargaroks were biting him. He was a 17-year-old boy with orange hair and a skinny, frail body, wearing silver armor over his chest, pelvis, wrists, and ankles. He perched atop the stone wall around the tree. "WAAAH!" He lost balance and fell over the outside, grabbing a thin stalactite branch that Granite stomped out when she sensed this. "PLEASE HELP ME!" Four Kargaroks began to peck him.

The monster birds screeched when two large stones came and crushed them. "You're welcome." The fifth member said. He wore an average black robe and had brown hair. He was 16 years old and wasn't muscular or skinny.

"Heheh... Thanks, Stone." Hornfels blushed.

"Well, I'm not sensing any more." Granite opened her vibrant green eyes and stood. "It seems we're all done here!"

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