B-27. Sibling Rivalry

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Gonna do a quick Darkness stage, then back to the Loony Planet. Also, if you wanna go on a feels trip, play the Donkey Kong music I'll cue up. ;P

Chapter B-27: Sibling Rivalry

Marvel-199999; Sanctuary (Play "Hau'oli Hau'oli" from Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep!)

"The Chitauri grow restless."

"Let them gird themselves. I will lead them into glorious battle."

"Battle? Against the meager might of Earth?"

"Glorious, not lengthy. If your force is as formidable as you claim."

He was donned with golden armor, entrusted with a scepter with a powerful blue gem as its core. We know this black-haired gentleman as Loki. Of course, these events were a little before the chaos on Birka. "You will have your war, Asgardian." An ancient, hooded being who sounded like Emperor Palpatine stated. "If you fail... if the Tesseract is kept from us, there will be no realm, no barren moon, no crevice where he can't find you. You think you know pain? He will make you long for something as sweet as death."

"I shall not fail." Loki assured. "With the power of this scepter, even the most vile, hulking figure cannot crush me."


"Achoo!" Bruce Banner sneezed.

"Bless you, Dr. Banner." Nick Fury said.

"Thank you."


"See that you don't." The Other said as a bright light flashed in the starry sky. "Once the Tesseract is in your possession, you are to-"

"AAAAAHH- UH!" Two beings crashed on the ground between The Other and Loki. A girl with purple skin and green hair, and a boy with green skin and magenta hair.

"They couldn't have programmed the Multiverse Portal to drop us closer to the ground?!" Atnort complained.

"YOU'RE the one who wanted to jump in without a second's thought!" Annaira argued.

"IMPUDENT VERMIN!" The Other's elderly voice thundered.

"It's your problem, not mine." Loki remarked before leaving.

"How DARE you little heathens intrude upon Lord Thanos' sacred ground with naught a hint of repentance!"

"What are you talking about?" Atnort asked, looking around. "I don't see anybody but some old ghoul with bad breath!"

"Enough." A deep, commanding voice echoed. They faced the giant throne that was hovered above their asteroid. It turned, revealing the giant with purple skin, golden armor, and a muscular build. He had bright blue eyes. "When children come idly shrieking into my domain... they must bow before he whom they have intruded upon... or be given severe discipline."

"Talk like a normal person, why don't ya."

"Shall I cut off your tongue?!" Other shouted.

"Wait!" Anna yelped. "Are you... Thanos?"

"You have nerve to question my name, without providing your own. State your names and where you hail from." Thanos ordered.

The siblings exchanged glances. "I'm Annaira Eerfnud. This is my brother, Atnort Eerfnud. We're from the Negaverse—the Earolf Galaxy."

"Negaverse... Earolf... These places are unfamiliar to me. And your species... Is it Zehoberei?"

"We're Zehoberei if you want us to be." Atnort joked.

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