30. Gravity Falls

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Hmm, Chapter 30? Strange, the story isn't even close to being finished. Hehe, my other stories would be completed by now! XDD Extremely complex plot development, people!! Today's codes use the A1Z26 Cipher, but they're found within the story.

NOTE: This is also Chapter 17 of Seven Lights: The Side Stories.

Chapter 30: Gravity Falls

York Household

"Midna, explain to me, very slowly, what the hell HAPPENED?!" Dillon yelled ragefully.

"Like your slow-witted father, you are excessively thick." Midna replied, frowning with disappointment. "Let me put it to you simply:" She poked Dillon's nasal bridge with each word, "Your shadow. Is. PISSED. Do you remember every time YOU were angry with your father, so you walked away? Well, this is the same thing."

"My fucking SHADOW! How do you get in a fight with your fucking SHADOW, and it flies AWAY?"

"All people's shadows have a conscious, it's just shadowbenders are able to interact with them better. In reality, Shadow is a material all on its own, like poison or earth, the living shadows are composed of that material, and they can touch it. The shadowbenders can control other shadows, but until they're at that level, their own shadow acts for them. But now you have no shadow, so you can't shadowbend."

"So give me a new shadow and give my bending back!"

"Pfft, a god can't just CREATE a life-form out of thin air, they have to be born! We exhausted our energy creating the original life-forms, we don't intend to make anymore. Dillon, you're just going to have to find Mario and kiss up to him."

"In that case, better hope Mario is on a clean metal pole, and not a trashcan, crumbling wooden house, or somebody's butt." Aurora said.

"Either way, I'm snapping a picture when he does." Mason said, holding his phone, and the friends couldn't contain their laughter.

"Midna, do you have ANY idea where Mario could've run off to?" Dillon asked.

"Even you could guess that one." Midna replied. "But for the sake of saving a few lines of dialogue, it's Twilight Town."

"That shadowy forest in Pennsylvania where Mom and my aunts took me to train?"

"Mm-hm. The forest bathed in eternal sunset." Danika replied. "It's sort of the Anderson Family's heritage, and a retreat for shadows who had a... falling out."

"You mean benders get in fights with their shadows regularly?" Haylee asked.

"Yes, but it's also the home of the Twili." Midna replied. "A shadow sub-species who are descended from humans that moved to the Shadow Realm. They're like the Fishmen in Oceana, their appearance changed after adapting to the environment."

"Interspecies relations are weird." Artie said. His siblings stared at him, knowing his crush on Makava.

"Look, let's just go to Twilight Town and get Mario back." Dillon stated impatiently.

"Won't the fact that you can't go into sunlight be a little problematic?" Haruka asked.

"Being a shadow myself, I can serve as your temporary shadow." Midna informed. "You will be able to bend a little bit, but you won't be much without your birth-shadow."

"Whatever, I can live with it. As long as I don't combust like a vampire." Dillon said with silent aggression.

"Technically, vampires would shine like diamonds in sunlight." Aurora corrected.

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