70. All For Nothing

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Probably the shortest chapter, yet. I didn't know how to stretch the fights too much, but I think it'll suffice.

Chapter 70: All For Nothing

Enies Lobby

"You called me Joey just now." Number 4 of CP10 said to Sheila. "Who is that?"

"Don't change the subject, Drongo!" Sheila retorted, still holding her bitten shoulder. "What did you do to my mom?!"

"I gave her this." Joey held three blueberries between his fingers. "It's a plant called Night Howler. Very toxic and can bring the true beast out of animals. Even Mobians lose control and stay Primal indefinitely. I wonder how it would affect a half-Mobian like you."

Sheila jumped up and sent a Light Kick at Joey, knocking him out of the room. She said to her wristwatch, "Mates, I found Joey! He made my mom into a savage!"

"I got your location, I'm coming up there!" Miyuki yelled.

"RAARRR!" Marine bit Sheila's tail, forcing the daughter to spin a Light Fist and punch her off. "I'm only focusing on you!" Sheila said to Joey. "Ain't none of the animals you can turn into can match against me!"

"Or perhaps they can!" Joey transformed into Sheila herself. (Play "Metal Mario Fight" from Super Smash Bros.!)

Boss fight: Joey Beatles

Sheila threw punches and kicks at her double, but Joey countered with the same moves before Shaving behind Sheila and kicking the back of her head. Sheila lit her feet golden and ran around Joey at lightspeed, kicking him across the hall, but when she zipped up for another attack, Joey turned into a giant turtle and protected himself in the shell. "Being me ain't as easy as you THOUGHT, huh?!" Sheila retorted. Joey spun in the turtle shell and shot to her, but Sheila jumped and punched Light Spheres to ricochet the shell around the hall.

Joey turned into a cheetah and performed faster Shaves, confusing Sheila before pouncing her from behind. Joey turned into an eagle and picked her up in his talons, flying back around the halls and breaking through a window. "SHEILA!" Sector IC saw her, but they were unable to pursue. The kids heard a growl, and MaKayla fought back when Primal Marine attacked them. "Miyuki, try to look for Sheila, you need to examine Uncle Joey." Kayla ordered.

Joey dropped Sheila on the top of the Tower of Justice, then morphed into a gorilla to try and crush her, but Sheila jumped away and punched a Light Sphere at his face. Joey turned human and evaded Sheila's Light Spheres using Paper Art. "Tell me who Joey Beatles is!" he demanded.

"I don't even know!" Sheila jumped a Tempest Kick. "My friends told me he was Kirie's missing uncle, and that scientist guy said that he stole the Mammal Fruit. How else are you turning into all these animals?"

"I don't know." Joey lunged at her as a snake, but Sheila leapt and grabbed the back of his tail, only for Joey to become a chimp, flip back, and kick her off. "All I remember is fighting, killing, and being ordered to fight and kill." Joey became a rhino and charged at Sheila, who grabbed the horn and pushed him into halting using her Light Fists. Joey became an ant and skittered up to her foot, but when Sheila stomped, he became a crocodile and snapped her leg in his mouth. Sheila shook her Light Foot and swung him off as Joey changed back to human. "But if you know anything more, I want you to tell me!" He Shaved up and jabbed Finger Pistols.

"You know, I'd have an easier time tellin' you if you weren't trying to kill me!"

"I still have a mission. You're one of the Seven Lights, so I can't let you live!"

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