Chapter 1

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         Awakened with an old set of He-Man sheets draped across her figure, Bandit's father hovering over her; blackened hair and all tickling the young girl's forehead, she recognised that perhaps it was about time to get ready for school. His lips curled into a devilish smile and the musician scuffled backwards over the carpeted flooring, singing an out-of-tune rhyme that reverberated throughout her bare room.

"Bandit! Bandit Lee Way! Wake up to go to school today!" he belted out in a shrill intonation. Bandit's own laughter soon rang clear and she hopped out of bed, slightly more enthusiastic than any teenager should be this early in the morning. He ruffled her stringy hair and strutted down the staircase in a diva-like fashiom, causing her to let out an embarrassed sigh. Typical of him to attempt to make her laugh at such a time. (It worked).

        Without putting much thought into what she donned for her first day of junior high, the young woman managed to throw together a somewhat decent ensemble that may help her pick up a conversation at some point. The usual faded band shirt.

        For her first two years of high school, Bandit had opted for the at-home alternative. Of course, this had broken the hearts of the Iero twins, whom had gone to school with her since they were little; but things had gotten so bad, that Bandit hadn't really seen any other choice. Naturally, her parents were capable, and taught her many things that she may not have learned in a public education environment. Who else gets to say they spent a whole hour learning the history of Alan Moore during school?

        The teenager ran down the steps and saw her mom, Lindsey, at the stove making pancakes. Her dad, Gerard, was shoving some of the golden brown pastry in his mouth. This was a tradition they'd formed early on. Special occasions were celebrated with pancakes. Bandit greeted her parents and grabbed a plate, loading it with fixings.

"So, Bee, are you excited?" Mom asked. She replied with a mouthful of breakfast and Dad let out a chuckle.

"You are so articulate, Bandit," he said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes in response.

"What? You mean like your friend, Patrick?" Bandit countered. Mom laughed and turned off the stove, wiping her hands on the towel that hung on the rack.

        Frank, Lily, and Cherry burst through the door and greeted the small family, each grabbing a plate and sitting down at the table with them.  Bandit laughed to herself, smiling about the fact that they almost never knocked anymore. There really was no need.

"So, Bandit, are you ready for school?" Frank said. She nodded, trying to be convincing and Cherry giggled. 

"I love your shirt," Lily commented. She had to look down to remember what she had chosen to wear today. Oh! Right.

"Oh, yeah. I bought it a few days ago. It's pretty rad. I love your skirt," she replied enthusiastically. Cherry was more of a tomboy and Lily was too, but she definitely didn't dress like it. They had all been best friends since birth and the twins had been pretty much polar opposites since we were little, but no one could ever really say they minded.

        Bandit ran upstairs and grabbed her book bag, decorated with quite a few pins, courtesy of all the online shopping she'd done. Bandit even had a few My Chemical Romance pins, which had pleased her father. She went back downstairs and they were all waiting by the door for Bandit, who blushed faintly knowing that she was the reason for the hold up.

"Have an awesome first day!' Mom said, hugging the young women tightly before releasing them and allowing them to leave. She's experiencing 'Empty Nest Syndrome' again, Bandit thought.

"Yeah, no boyfriends!" Dad called out, a stupid grin playing on his lips. Bandit rolled her eyes in response and tread lightly down to the car.

        The girls all piled into the backseat and started whispering to each other, anticipating what their first day would be like.

The Grim Adventures of Bandit Lee Way  *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*Where stories live. Discover now