Chapter 3

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        Rachel and Parker had ended up staying for dinner, meeting Frank in the process. I thought it was pretty funny that they were trying so hard not to fangirl and pass out. Mom had made her famous vegetarian pot roast, complete with tofu and fake meat. It had always been a favorite of Uncle Frankie's and he had begged her to make it. 

        Unfortunately, Rachel, Lily and Cherry had to leave straight after dinner, but Parker hung around for a bit. We were about to go up to my room and hang out, but Dad stopped us. 

"Parker, do you think I could talk to Bandit for a second?" Dad asked. Parker shrugged and headed upstairs to my room. 

"What's up, Dad?" I asked. He smirked and placed a hand on his hip.

"You  totally have a thing for Parker!" he said, squealing like a teenage girl. I rolled my eyes at his foolish accusations. 

"As if i would have a crush on my bandmate. What do you think this is? Frerard?" I countered, tossing my hair for dramatic effect. Dad's face reddened at the term. 

"Can we not speak about my ex-lover?" he said jokingly, pretending to stare off into the distance. I giggled and ran up the stairs.

"Use protection!" he called after me. 

        I burst into my room and saw Parker staring at all my signed band posters on the wall. He hadn't noticed me yet, so I ran up behind him and jumped on his back. 

"Onward, my noble steed!" I shouted. He laughed and adjusted my legs, so they were wrapped around his waist.

"Where to, m'lady?" he replied in a very poor British accent. I giggled and blushed. 

"To the music room!" I squealed. He piggybacked me all the way there and then set me down on the piano bench. 

"Okay, so you have your notebook, right?" I asked. He nodded, grabbing his backpack and pulling it out. I took the notebook from him and opened up to a random song, placing it on the music stand. 

        I placed my fingers on the piano and played a random melody, singing the lyrics he had written. It didn't work too well, so I tried a different key. It sounded pretty good and I picked up my bass, converting the piano notes. 

        It turned into a two man jam session. We had the bass and drums part down, with a few ideas for a guitar riff in mind. My dad peeked his head in and stared at us for a minute, thinking we wouldn't notice he was there. 

"You aren't a ninja, Dad. Your hair is pretty conspicuous." I said, not looking up.

"Dammit. I thought I was a ninja." he said, walking in. He leaned against the door frame and watched us.

"Whatcha workin' on?" he asked after hearing me play the bass line for the 'to-be-titled' song.

"Uhh.. new song. We got the bass line and drums down... have an idea for a cool guitar riff, but that can wait until Lily and Cherry get here tomorrow." Parker replied. Dad raised an eyebrow at us.

"You... you wrote lyrics that quickly?" he asked, a hint of awe in his voice.

"Oh! No, Parker had a notebook full of amazing songs. He is really good." I said quickly. Dad saw the book on the music stand and picked it up, flipping to a random page. Parker let out a small whimper, only loud enough for me to hear. 

        We sat there in silence, letting my dad read through a few songs, Parker was sweating like a pig. His idol was critiquing his work. After a while, Dad looked up at us. 

"These are really good. Which one are you doing?" He said, handing the book to me. I flipped to the correct page and showed him. 

"Okay, show me what you have so far." he said. Parker jumped behind the drum set and I started playing. 

The Grim Adventures of Bandit Lee Way  *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*Where stories live. Discover now