Chapter 4

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        As I walked home with Lily, Cherry, Parker, and Rachel, we tried to formulate a plan for band rehearsal. 

"Ok, well, I honestly don't know because look what happened last time I was home late." Parker muttered, referring to his face. 

"In your defense, you left at like 9:30 at night. I think maybe if just leave at maybe seven-ish, you will be good." I suggested. He just shrugged and stared at the pavement. I felt my stomach churn a little. It killed me inside that his mom was abusive, but he told me not to get involved and I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship. 

"Well, my dad is usually never home because of work, so I think I can stay late. If it's cool with your parents, Bee." Rachel said, jumping up and down with excitement. I nodded, knowing my parents wouldn't care all that much.

        It's not that they didn't care about what I did. They do. My parents want to make sure I have a good life and don't fuck everything up completely, but they understand that I have friends and the eight hours you are in school isn't enough, sometimes.

        Lily and Cherry, however, were family and could basically waltz through the door at three am if they wanted to. We arrived at my house and I told Cherry to take everyone to the practice room. I walked over to my mom and dad.

"Hey, can we talk in the living room?" I asked. They nodded and sat down on the couch.

"What is it, Bee? Is something wrong?" Dad said, noticing how shaky I was.

"Yes. Not with me, but it's Parker." I said, staring at my mom. She had seen his face. I think she kind of figured it out. 

        I explained the situation as best I could and tried to tell them that I thought it would be best if he was here as much as possible. I also mentioned Rachel's situation briefly and together, my parents and I formulated a plan.

"Okay, so I will speak with Parker's mother and convince her to let Parker come here after school and, at the very least, stay until 6:30." Mom said, looking at me with a concerned face. I smiled and thanked them. 

"Okay, so we will have five teenagers running around our house everyday, cool." Dad said, joking. I laughed and playfully punched him in the arm.

"Well, you have to perform this song for us. But not without your stage costumes. Wait, you are going to have costumes, right?!?" My dad said in a rush. I shrugged and ran into the practice room, peeking my head in. 

"Hey, do you guys want, like, stage costumes? My parents have a bunch of stuff we can wear to come up with some sort of 'signature look', I guess." I suggested. Everyone nodded their heads and shrugged, liking the idea.

        I ran back to my parents and gave them a response. Dad rushed up the stairs, like an excited puppy-child. Mom followed him, not quite as energetic. I called for all my friends to follow. The dor to my parents room was wide open and I ran inside, heading straight towards the first walk-in closet (Yes, they had two walk-in closets). 

        As I stepped in, on the right side, I saw a collection of feather boas, a Black Parade uniform, Three Cheers outfits, Party Poison's costume, and an electric blue suit. On the left side was a load of fishnets, plaid skirts, vests, large combat boots and everything else a punk rocker would need. 

        As my friends stepped in, they were amazed. Rachel broke down and almost started crying at the sight of all the My Chem costumes. My dad noticed and tried to comfort her, so she stopped crying and started browsing the plaid skirt collection. 

"So.. we can use anything in here? Anything at all?" Parker asked.

"Well, yeah. We don't really use it anymore." Mom said. I frowned a little, missing the days when I could watch my parents perform. All of a sudden, we heard someone bust through the front door, shouting at us. 

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