Chapter 5

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        I woke up the next morning to the sound of my phone ringing. I rubbed my eyes and squinted at the bright little screen. The caller ID told me Rachel was calling. At seven in the fucking morning. I answered the phone and Rachel immediately started blabbing about how today was a beautiful day. 

"Yes, it is a nice day. However, I intended on sleeping until noon." I said in a groggy voice.

"Wait, aren't we all going to hang out today?" she asks.

"Uh, I think my dad said something about going to Frank's house. You guys could meet us there." I suggested. She squealed, which I assumed meant yes. I quickly gave her the address and texted Parker, informing him that Rachel would pick him up. 

        I raced to get ready, throwing on a 'Green Day' shirt and some skinny jeans. I ran a brush through my newly colored hair and skipped down the hallway, opening my parent's bedroom door. They were still asleep, so naturally that needed to change. 

        I crept inside their room and stared at them for a second. Dad's hair was all over the place, sticking out in random directions. My mom, however, looked totally peaceful. I grinned in a devilish manor and jumped on top of them both. 

"Ahhhhh!!!!" my parents shouted simultaneously. It didn't take very long before my mom started tickling me. 

"No! Stop! Dad, help me!" I shouted. He violently shook his head, refusing to help his own daughter in her time of need. 

"Traitor!" I yelled.

"Sorry, hun. You betrayed me when you interrupted my sleep." he retorted, still sassy as usual. Mom was laughing like an insane clown, but stopped tickling me after about 30 seconds. 

"Good morning, Bee." she said in a cheery voice. 

"I hope you don't mind, but I invited Rachel and Parker over to Frank's house, so we better get going!" I said, jumping up and jogging down the steps. I grabbed my bass and waited by the door.

"Woah, hold on. We still have to get dressed." Dad said, taking a sip of coffee that had somehow materialized in his hand.

        I groaned and waited in the living room for a good half hour before they were ready. Sometimes, I swear my dad takes longer to get ready. It's that goddamn hair. That fabulous, tomato hair. I grabbed my phone and bass, running out to the car. 

Naturally, Dad and I belted out the lyrics to "Material Girl" the entire ride. 


        We arrived at the house and I spotted Rachel's car parked a little ways down. I saw her and Parker in the car, laughing their asses off. I crept up to their window, making sure they didn't see me. I tapped on her window, scaring the shit out of them. They stepped out of the car, glaring dagger at me. I just laughed. 

"Oh, shut up. I invited you to Frank Iero's house, you can't be mad at me." I said, essentially blackmailing them.  

"Well, this is true." Rachel said, hugging me. I giggled and hugged Parker, who's bruises were healing very well. 

        We walked inside and saw that the parents were already in an intense conversation. I laughed, saying hello on my way to the twin's room. I opened up the black door and saw Lily comforting Cherry, who had tears streaming down her face. I thrust the bass into Rachel's hands and ran to be next to Cherry. 

"Oh, god.. what's wrong, darlin'?" I asked, whispering in her ear. She just looked at me and started crying even more violently. 

        I looked up at Lilly, raising an eyebrow. She shook her head, indicating she had no idea what was wrong. I sighed internally and helped Cherry up, taking her into Frank's practice room. 

"Uh, you guys stay here. I'm gonna talk to Cherry in private." I said to the guys. I closed the door behind us and we sat down on the piano bench. 

"What's wrong, Cher?" I ask. She wipes her eyes and sniffles a few times. 

"I-I c-can't tell y-you... you w-will hate me.." she says through the tears. I cup her face and make her look at me. 

"Listen to me right now, Cherry Iero. Nothing you could say or do could ever make me hate you." I say. She was staring right into my eyes. But then she did something completely and utterly unexpected. 

She kissed me. She fucking kissed me right on the lips. 

        At first, I was extremely confused, but it felt so....right. Our lips molded together perfectly and I felt fireworks. I leaned in, deepening the kiss. Cherry grabbed my shoulders and my arms snaked around her waist. 

        It felt right. It felt so right, like I had been waiting all my life for this moment, but didn't know it. But at the same time, it felt wrong. There was only one reason it felt wrong and that was Parker. Cherry quickly pulled away and her arms dropped at her sides. 

"I..uh- I am... I... Sorry?" she stuttered, not quite sure what to say. 

"Don't be." I whisper back. I heard the door click close behind me. Shit. 

        I jump up off the bench and open the door, seeing Rachel at the end of the hallway, smiling like a madman. I motion for her to get her ass in the room and she obeys, still smiling. I close the door and she squeals.

"SECOND GEN FRERARD!" she shouts. I was about to shush her when I remembered the walls were soundproof. 

"You can't tell anyone!" Cherry says, stealing the words from my mouth. Rachel nods and tosses her hair, as if to say 'duh'. 

"Wait, what about Bandker?" she asks.

"What the fuck is Bandker." I ask, completely confused.

"Umm, hello? It's you and Parker's ship name!" she explained. Fangirls will be fangirls and they will go down with their ship. 

"Well, technically you two weren't dating..." Cherry whispers from the corner. She was one hundred percent correct. It's not like he would hate me forever, right? I wasn't tied down. I had free reign to date whoever I wanted...... right?

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter but uhhhh.... SURPRISE!!!! hehehe >:) 

xoxo, Taylor \m/

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