Chapter 6

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        We walked back into the twin's room and I was shaky and nervous. Cherry and I had decided keep our relationship a secret until I could find a way to break the news to Parker. I sat on the bed and Lily looked at me, silently asking what had happened. I shook my head, completely lying.

"So, what do you guys wanna do?" Parker asked, breaking the awkward silence. 

"Well, we could write a song or two. We need to start working on our demo." Rachel said. I liked the idea so we all headed back into the practice room. I stayed as far away from that piano bench as I  could. 

        Parker pulled out his notebook, skimming through his lyrics and finally choosing a song. We all looked at the lyrics, editing and revising it here and there. I came up with a  pretty good bass line and everyone else pretty much based their parts on that. It made sense, though, considering the bass was essentially the backbone of any song.

        I worked out harmonies with Rachel, helped Parker with the tempo, and actually just let Lily and Cherry do what they wanted. The riffs they created always flowed perfectly with the melodies. I stood there, in awe, at their skills. I actually found myself staring at Cherry a bit more.... 

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I answered, not bothering to look at the Caller ID. 

"Hello?" I said 

"Hey! It's Shairell." she said on the other end of the line.

"Oh! Hey, I'm actually hanging out with Cherry, Lily, Parker, and Rach. Let me put you on speaker." I said, doing as such. 

"Hey everyone!" Shai said, her voice slightly muffled. In the background, I heard the deep voice of a man, which I assumed was Andy Biersack. Her fiance. 

"Hiii" everyone else said in reply. 

"Ok, so I know it's last minute, but I want to invite you guys to my wedding tomorrow!" Shairell said excitedly. 

"Uhhh... hold on, lemme go ask." I said, telling Rachel to keep Shairell entertained. I walked out into the living room and saw the adults sitting on the couch, laughing and talking. They noticed me and stopped their conversation. 

"What's up, Bee?" Dad said.

"Well, my music teacher, Ms. Villaluz, called and invited us to her wedding tomorrow. Can we go?" I asked, using my puppy dog eyes.

"Oh! Actually, we are going to Andy's wedding tomorrow. Sorry, honey." Mom said, making me laugh. 

"Umm.. actually, Shairell is Andy's fiance." I muttered. Everyone's eyes widened.

"Well that's a.... coincidence. Well, ok, now we just have to pick up a few more kids." Jamia said, smiling. I thanked them and ran back into the practice room. 

"Okay, so apparently Andy already invited my parents." I said into the phone. Shairell giggled.

"Of course he did. Well, I will see ya'll tomorrow!" she said, the excitement in her voice very clear. 

        She hung up the phone and we continued working on the song. It was bugging me, though. I had to tell Parker. I just didn't know how. I tried to formulate a plan in my head and I zoned out a few times. 

Finally, I came up with the perfect and subtle way to break it to him. I just hoped I wouldn't hurt him in the process. 


        All nine of us sat at the dinner table, eating vegetarian lasagna. I wasn't eating much, though because I was so fucking nervous. When everyone was just about finished, I decided it was time to make my announcement. 

The Grim Adventures of Bandit Lee Way  *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*Where stories live. Discover now