Chapter 8

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A/N: YESSS!!! The long awaited chapter has finally arrived! Sorry it's short, I'm just trying to get back into the swing of things. Anywhore, sorry it took so long! Thanks for being patient!

~Timelapse: 2 months~

"- And remember to pack a warm jacket!" my mom shouted from the bottom of the staircase. 

The past two months had been a blur of school, rehearsal, recording, and planning a vacation to Scotland. Recently, a relative on my mother's side, who I had never met, passed away and left her house to Mom. We were leaving tomorrow and staying for three weeks to try and sell the house and just visit family in general. 

It had been a long time since Mom had been back in Scotland, seeing as she was born there, but she wasn't extremely enthusiastic to be going back. She never really had a great relationship with my grandparents. They disapproved of her band, her clothing choices, her tattoos, her art, her husband... me. 

All these thoughts rushed through my head as I angrily shoved the last of my things into a suitcase. I sighed and face planted on the bed, groaning as loud as I could. Suddenly, I heard a familiar giggle and felt the bed dip. As soon as I tried to sit myself up, a body jumped on top of me, pinning me down. 

"Dude!" I shouted, struggling under the person's weight. 

"Is that the proper way to address your girlfriend?" Cherry asked, still sitting on top of me. I smiled into my comforter and blushed. 

"Babe, can you please get off of me?" I asked politely. 

"Mmm.. beg for it." she giggled. I groaned wriggled under her. 

"Pleease? Will you please get off of me, baby?" I asked again. She finally climbed off of me and extended her hand to help me up. I took this opportunity to pull her onto the bed and run down the stairs. 

"You'll pay for that one, Way!" I heard her yell from my bedroom. 

"Oh, can it, Iero!" I retorted. I walked into the living room to see the rest of her family staring at me. 

"What do you want us to do?" Frank asked, smiling and enveloping me in a hug. 

"I'm gonna miss you, punk." he said, letting me go. He always gave the best hugs. 

"I'll miss you, too, Uncle Frankie. And you, Aunt Jamia!" I squealed, hugging her. I had never been on a vacation before, but I guess I'd better get used to it if I ever go on tour. 

"So, we invited everyone over for dinner tonight." Dad said, sipping his ever-present coffee mug. 

"Rachel and Parker, too?" I asked, teetering back and forth on my heels. 

"Yes, we invited them, too." Dad smiled, going back to the magazine he had been flipping through. 

"So.. who exactly is 'everyone'?" I pondered. 

"Uhh... well, Mikey, Kristin, Ray, Christa, Frank, Jamia..." Dad listed off names and tried to remember who he had invited. 

"Patrick, Elisa, Pete, Meaghan, Bronx, Saint, Joe, Hurley, Biersack, Shairell, Hayley, Taylor York, Jeremy, and I believe Billie might show up." Mom finished for him. 

"Shit, Linds. You got enough food for everyone?" Frank joked, leaning on the counter, suspiciously close to my dad. Who didn't seem to mind at all. I eyed Lily, who tried to suppress a smile. 

"Right, well, I better go get ready." I said, dashing back up the stairs.

I walked back into my room to find Cherry flipping through one of my comic books and laughing at something it had said. I snatched it out of her hands and carefully placed the precious item back on it's shelf. 

"Awww, what was that for?" she whined, doing a fake pout with her lips. 

"You've read that one a billion times. And I have to get dressed. So leave." I stated, gesturing towards the door. She whined and left my room, closing the door behind her.

"Okay, outfit..." I murmured to myself as I scanned my closet. 

I settled on a pair of black leggings, an oversized Black Veil Brides shirt, and black combat boots. I quickly lined my eyes and admired the way my hair looked right now. i had just washed it, so it fell just below my rib cage in pretty waves. I was satisfied with how I looked, so I went back downstairs to socialize with my family. 

While I had been getting ready, Patrick, Elisa and Declan had arrived. God, he was so grown up. He had just started middle school! I took in his appearance and realized just how much he looked like his father. 

He had the same blonde hair color and those greenish-hazel eyes. He was extremely short, considering both his parents were barely five foot. I smiled and hugged the family, greeting them warmly. 

"Wassup, Tree?" I asked, using the nickname I had given Declan years ago. 

"Not much. What's up with you? You dyed your hair." he noticed, eyeing the vivid color. 

"Yeah, well, I needed a change. And I decided it would be cool for the band." I shrugged. His eyes sparkled at he mention of the word 'band'. 

"You're in a band?!" he asked, suddenly extremely interested. I nodded my head and he gave me a wide, toothy grin before scurrying off to find Miles. 


The party was in full swing and I was having fun talking and chilling with everyone. Although, I hadn't seen much of Rachel, who seemed to have hit it off with Billie's son, Jakob. I smirked at her as she flirted with him. He seemed to be reciprocating with the way he leaned towards her and never broke eye contact. 

Parker, on the other hand, was having a blast talking to Patrick. I wondered how he wasn't hyperventilating and fangirling at the moment. I felt a hand on my shoulder and spun around to face Shairell and Andy. 

"Oh god, I hate that band." Andy joked, pointing at my shirt. I rolled my eyes. 

"Yeah, the lead singer is a total dick." I laughed. 

"I hear his wife is pretty hot." Shairell shrugged, giggling. 

"Hey, have fun in Scotland. It's actually pretty cool there." Andy said, giving me a reassuring hug. 

"Yeah, you can make up all your class work when you get back." Shairell said, giving me a smile. 

"Can we not talk about school?" I joked, throwing in a hair toss for extra sass. 

"You are just like your father, I swear.." she mumbled. I chuckled and walked over to the snack table to see Hayley shoving chips in her mouth. 

"Hayley, try not to swallow your tongue." I joked and she jumped a little. 

"Hey, Bee!" she replied through a mouthful of food. I raised an eyebrow and swallowed her food, giving me a small grin. 

"Hey, Hayls." 

"Man, this dinner party is poppin'." she commented, looking around at everyone. 

"Yeah, are you having fun?"

"Totally! I'm gonna miss you all, though."

"We'll only be gone for a month." 

"Oh, just shut up and hug me." she said, opening her arms and embracing me. 


The rest of the night went off without a hitch and I enjoyed myself, finally able to just relax. By the end of the night, I was exhausted and just wanted to curl up into bed with my lovely girlfriend. 

Since the Iero's had so kindly offered to take us to the airport, they were staying the night. Meaning I could get exactly what I wanted. I grabbed her hand and led her up the stairs into the bedroom. We collapsed on the bed, pulling the cover over ourselves and feeding off of each other's body heat. I felt her arm wrap around my waist and I felt at peace. 

"Goodnight, babe.." she mumbled, kissing my neck and falling asleep. 

The Grim Adventures of Bandit Lee Way  *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*Where stories live. Discover now