Chapter 7

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        I ran a brush lightly through my curls and adjusted my dress, ready for the wedding. Cherry came up behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist. She kissed me on the cheek, making me blush. We stared at each other in the mirror, looking at each other's appearances. Her white hair went very well with her dress. 

"You look gorgeous." I whispered. She smiled warmly.

"I could say the same thing to you." she whispered back.

"Okay, break it up. We have to go pick up Rachel and Parker" Lily said from the hallway. Cherry's arms dropped and she blushed. 

        We stepped out from my room and saw Lily there, in a deep purple lace dress. Her hair was straightened and a vibrant shade of red. I snapped my fingers and smirked. 

"What?" she said.

"Dayum girl, you look fine!" I said, meaning it but joking at the same time. She laughed and inspected her hair. 

"Are you guys ready?" Cherry asked. We nodded and she laced her fingers into mine and the three of us walked downstairs. My parents stood there, looking as lovely as ever. 

        Dad was wearing a formal, yet typical black suit and tie. Mom was wearing a knee-length black dress and her black hair was pulled up into a bun, loose strands falling out. Dad was standing behind my mom, his arms wrapped around her waist. They were so adorable together.

        We piled into the car, picking up Parker and Rachel on the way. They both looked fabulous and amazing! We arrived at the destination and I got a text from Taylor.

Taylor: Hey! Are you here yet?

Bandit: Just got here!

Taylor: Okay, can you come find us in the dressing room? It's behind the big tent. Bring Lyn-Z!

Bandit: Um. Ok. 

Taylor: I understand we are texting, but for the love of grammar, USE FULL SENTENCES! 

Bandit: Once an English teacher, always an English teacher. 

Taylor: Just get your asses down here! XD

        I rolled my eyes and giggled. I located my female parental unit and dragged her behind the tent for some unknown reason. We found the dressing room and I knocked on the door. Taylor greeted us, trying not fangirl with my mom standing there. 

"Hello! It's an honor to meet you. I'm Taylor, Bandit's English teacher. Also, one of Shairell's bridesmaids." she said. Mom hugged her and sat down on a couch that was in the dressing room. Taylor hugged me and went off into a separate section of the room to fetch Shairell and someone named Leila. 

        I turned and saw Shai standing there in a gorgeous black wedding dress. Her hair was tinted red and curled at the ends with a smokey eye to complete the Gothic wedding look. She was breathtaking. For the first time, I noticed how pretty Taylor looked as well. She was wearing a form-fitting satin red dress and short black heels. 

        Another woman, in similar attire to Taylor's, entered the section of the dressing room we were in. She had shoulder-length brown hair and amazing, intense eyes. I assumed this was Leila and I introduced myself and my mother. Her eyes widened and she grinned like a mad man. 

"It is so amazing to meet you guys! I'm Leila, Shairell's maid of honor." she said, still smiling. 

"It's nice to meet you, too! I'm Lindsey." Mom said, standing and hugging Leila. 

The Grim Adventures of Bandit Lee Way  *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*Where stories live. Discover now