Chapter 2

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        It kinda sucked that Bandit hadn't seen Parker during lunch, but it was okay because she would see him during seventh and eighth period. The young girl was dying to get to know him because: a) he was cute and b) it seemed like he was into the same stuff she was. 

        Bandit thought about everything that had happened today as she walked into my science class. The teacher was an older woman, probably in her late sixties, who was really sweet and nice. Bandit decided that she couldn't have been that bad, so she took a seat in the middle. 

        She kept my eyes locked on the door, hoping she would see someone she knew and Bandit's face lit up when she saw Cherry walk in. The young Iero took a seat right next to her friend and Bandit suddenly felt bad for the teacher, Mrs. Adams. She would have to keep an eye on the two for rest of the whole friggin' year. 

        Immediately, they started talking about things they hadn't gotten to discuss during lunch, like this boy she had met in her second period, and eventually, Bandit told her about Parker. 

"He seriously asked you if you had met your own parents?" she said, raising an eyebrow. Well, geez, when she'd put it that way...

"Shut up! He just... doesn't know me yet. I'm sure he will find out eventually and bug me until the end of the century, but for now, I want to enjoy having a real friend," Bandit explained. Cherry just giggled.

"I dunno, Rachel seems really cool," she said, shrugging. Bandit quickly agreed and the bell rang, signaling class had started. 

        She tried really hard to concentrate, believe her, she did. But when your best friend is sitting next to you and you are just dying to know about some guy she met, it's really hard to focus on your least favorite subject. 

"So, what's his name?" Bandit whispered.

"Umm... Jakob? I'm pretty sure that's his name. He mentioned his last name to me, but I didn't quite catch it," she whispered back. Where had she heard that name before?

        Bandit had decided to drop it for now and doodle in her sketch book, thus creating a miniature masterpiece. Her doodles always turn into full blown art projects that take forever to complete. This time, she had made a sketch of a brick archway with a small child in the center, it's shadow in the form of a demon.

        Bandit stared at the drawing until the bell rang and said goodbye to Cherry. Next period was Spanish, which she had with Parker. Bandit found herself smiling as she walked into the classroom. She found a seat towards the back, hoping Parker would sit next to her.

        Fortunately, he did. Bandit smiled and waved, trying to seem friendly. He smiled back and pulled out a notebook, which was covered in song lyrics she'd had never heard before.

"What are those from?" Bandit asked, pointing to the book. He blushed a little and bit his lip.

"I, uh... I wrote these," he said, handing it to her. She read a few and they were all really deep and poetic.

"Wow, these are amazing," I whispered, in awe. He was a genius! 

"Wow... um, thanks," he said, laughing nervously. Bandit handed him the book and class started. The teacher decided to let them chat with each other as a form of the "getting-to-know-you" shit they always do in the first week. 

        Parker and Bandit decided to sit in the back and just talk to each other. She learned that he has three older brothers, lives with his dad, and he is very good on drums. At first, she doubted him, but then he took two pencils and showed me a bit and Bandit was completely convinced.

The Grim Adventures of Bandit Lee Way  *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*Where stories live. Discover now