Sorry For The Short Chapter

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Cindi POV

The roof was leaking because it was raining earlier this morning. I placed the bucket, exactly underneath where the leakage was coming from. I heard my dad walk in. "What's wrong, Didi?" He asked, grabbing my waist. "There's a leakage coming from the roof. And don't touch me,"

I shook out of his grasp and he frowned at me. "Okay, do you need anything from the store?" He asked.
"Perhaps a new dad," I joked and he looked at me seriously and gripped my arm. "Don't ever joke like that." He let go and I rubbed my wrist. Great. A new bruise started to form.

I watched as the water continued to leak. I sighed and walked out of the room. I peeked in the window and saw my dad already left.

I walked down the street and saw it was awfully quiet. I felt as if someone was watching or following me. I grew afraid and sped up my pace. I had no clue where I was going, so I just walked to Jamie's house.

I knocked on the door and I heard someone yell, "Boy! Come here! It's okay." I smiled and pulled my hoodie up and saw his older brother open the door. "Hello?" He said, and I smiled. "Hi, I'm Cindi. Is Jamie in there?"
"Yeah, and I'm Jordan." He stepped aside and I got in the house.

I walked upstairs and heard Jamie on his PlayStation. I knocked on the door and slowly opened it. "Cindi? How'd you get here?"
"I was going for a walk and I ended up here. Your not happy to see me?" He took off his headphones and got up. "Of course I am." He embraced me in a hug and kissed my temple.

"Wanna go somewhere fun?" He asked and I nodded. "Okay, but I'm going to need to change..." he said awkwardly and I chuckled and stepped out of the room. He closed the door and I patiently waited for him.

In about two minutes, he came out and he took my hand. "Jordan! I'll be back!" He told his brother and we walked out of the house hand-in-hand. "Where are we going?"

Sorry for the short chapter guys! I love leaving cliffhangers!

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