Chapter Twelve

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Congratulations to AutumnRainbow5 and upside-down-puppy for guessing the correct POV!

Reyna's POV

I recognized San Juan immediately. How could I not with all the bad memories of this place? Of course I'd been here since with Nico, Hedge, Hylla and the Amazons, and Thalia and the hunters. I'd shared my past with Nico, so I didn't feel like it was as hard to share with everyone else.

Maybe it was just the demigods I wasn't as close to, like the Stolls, Clarisse, Rachel, or Katie that would prove difficult.

I caught Nico's eye and he nodded reassuringly. I led our group down the streets, past the bar and to the white mansion in front of us.

I sighed when I realized it was the day I killed my father. I opened the door to a quiet house. Nothing moved save the shadows. It still spooked me when I happened to see a shadow in the shape of an ancestor.

I swallowed hard and continued on. I was startled by the door creaking behind me. Young Hylla and I snuck into the house. I was giggling, but shivered in the coolness of the house.

" Dad home?" I asked Hylla meekly. She studied the balcony to the second floor, watched the vast white walls for any sign of our dad. "I don't know," she whispered.

We creeped to the stairs as quietly as we could. Of course that's when things had to go wrong. I stubbed my toe on a chair and sent it skittering across the floor.

We instantly heard a thump from upstairs. I froze, my foot throbbing, as Hylla sucked in a breath. The door to our father's bedroom slammed open and he came wobbling drunkly out and down the stairs.

"You girls were supposed to be here an hour ago. Did something happen? Did they see you? Goddamn it you too! They found us!"

"Who found you?" Piper asked. I just shrugged. He's just a paranoid asshole.

"You're foolish! You'll get us all killed!" He screamed. He stalked toward Hylla. "Dad, stop," she muttered, cowering away. He grabbed her arms in an iron grip and sneered, squeezing his fists. Hylla whimpered and my father threw her across the room where she hit her head on a chair and went limp.

"Hey!" I screamed, grabbing a dagger off the wall that I didn't know was Imperial Gold at the time. Tears streamed from my eyes. He'd killed my sister. Hylla was dead.

I launched myself at him and buried the dagger in his rib cage. Dad baulked, gaping at the dagger lodged in his body. "Reyna..." he whispered, turning grey and transparent. His eyes cleared and he gave me one last murderous look before dissolving.

There was silence in the house and I ran to Hylla, shaking her and screaming her name, horrified to find her dead and horrified by what I'd done to our father.

Her eyes opened. "Reyna?" She asked. "C'mon, we gotta go Hylla. We gotta go."

The scene began to dissolve and we found ourselves on an island.

"Not this place again!" Percy complained. "Where are we, might I ask?" Jason looked puzzled.

"Circe's Island," Annabeth answered for me. I heard bickering so I turned to the docks. Thirteen year olds Percy and Annabeth were tying down an inflatable life boat.

"Seaweed Brain!" Annabeth yelled after him and I wondered what they were arguing about.

The air around us started to ripple and the scene fast forwarded to Annabeth and Percy sprinting back to the docks. They were being chased by the pirates.

They stopped short at the docks and scanned the line of ships. "The pirate ship!" Percy yelled and dashed to it. "W-what? Percy!" Annabeth grumbled and ran after him. "Do you even know how to steer this thing?"

Percy stood in the middle of the ship and closed his eyes, holding out his arms. All was still until he muttered a word I couldn't hear. Then the shop began to respond to him.

"Whoa," Connor murmured as the ropes sprung loose and the ship tore away from the shore. Annabeth ran to the rail and looked back at the burning island, at the pirates cursing them. And then they were gone.

"Is that it?" Frank asked. I chuckled darkly. "Oh no."

There was more commotion as the pirates started dragging people out of the spa. I caught sight of myself, screaming for Hylla.

It skipped again to Hylla and I with the pirates. It was the day Hylla got her scar. One of the pirates(he was disgusting) touched my ass and Hylla flipped. We'd been obedient thus far, but we were at the breaking point.

Hylla challenged the captain of the ship. He sneered at her and drew his blade. She kneed another pirate in the groin and took his sword. She got in a stance across from the captain and her glare was murderous.

The captain took a swing at Hylla and she blocked it. She was sloppy though, I don't know if she'd had much experience. The captain nodded and went in for another strike. She just barely got out of the way in time.

Hylla tried her hand at striking. Her sword was unbalanced and heavy, built for a big man, not a teenage girl. The captain grinned at her and sliced at her head. Hylla jumped back, but the sword still got her. It carved a cut right across her forehead. Blood streamed into her eyes.

"If I win, your sister is mine," the captain said, wiping the blood off his sword. Hylla's growl turned into a scream of rage and she launched herself at the captain with renewed energy. She struck at his middle and he parried. She clawed at his face, gouging his cheeks with her fingernails.

"You leave my sister alone," she growled and pulled her sword back. With impressive strength, she thrust the sword right through his gut. Blood poured from between his lips. Hylla yanked the sword free and pushed the captain into the sea.

The crew was frozen for a moment before yelling whatever battle cries they could muster and came after us.

"No!" Hylla yelled, pointing her sword, causing the crew to pause. "You answer to me now. I'm your new captain. My first order of business is to leave my sister alone. You so much as look at her and you deal with me. Understood?"

The crew all looked down at their feet before shuffling away. The scene settled into a lull and the colors started to fade.

"Hylla remained Captain for about a month," I said. "Then she ordered them to let us off at the nearest land which just so happened to be Florida."

The world faded to black and then restored. We found ourselves in San Francisco. I can't believe I was only twelve when most of this happened.

Hylla was talking to me, fussing over my clothes and my hair. Finally she pulled me in for a hug and kissed my forehead.

"Love you, hermana. Until we meet again." And we split says, me heading for Camp Jupiter, Hylla for the Amazons.

"Whoa," was all Leo said.

Hey guys! So sorry for not updating in awhile, I was preoccupied with my other stories. Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving(yesterday) and Happy Black Friday! Love you demigods:)

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