Chapter Fourteen

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Good job percyjacksonlover21 for guessing the POV!

Leo's POV

I wasn't exactly sure where we ended up. The air was a lot cleaner than New York, that's for sure. Come to think of it, it reminded me of our trip to Greece. Except with a lot less...ruins.

"Callie..." I trailed off, taking in her sour expression. "When are we?"

"Oh I don't know the year exactly. Thousands of years ago."

Travis whistled through his teeth. "Time travel is awesome!" Katie punched him in the arm, to which he pouted and rubbed his sore arm.

"So what are we witnessing here?" Piper asked. "My home," Calypso answered nostalgically, and we experienced a sort of time lapse. It was like the years were going by and little changes would happen and we just stood there.

Everything looked so new and so old at the same time. Temples glittered, looking brand new. Water sparkled, unpolluted. The sun shone through the clouds and the air was so clean.

"Um Callie, I'm gonna need a better time line. When are we?" I asked. "Before the Titan War," She said easily.

"Wait, like the first one?" Connor scoffed. "Yes the first one," she mocked. Then in the time lapse we saw the gods fighting the titans and it was gruesome. According to history, the war took ten years so we watched ten years of the time lapse.

Calypso, the Calypso from thousands of years ago(though she looked the same) stood before the council of gods with her hands shackled in chains. Zeus was yelling at her, his face red, while Artemis tried to calm his temper.

"Banished to Ogygia!" was all I caught of the yelling.

We saw Calypso later, on her island, when a man washed ashore.

"Odysseus," Annabeth marveled.

In the time lapse, I watched her fall in love with him. I'll admit, it hurt to see her with him. But it hurt even more when he left her. She deserved more than what she got. So much more.

And then the next hero came. And the next. And the next. We all watched as she got her heart broken, eternally.

After one particularly sad encounter, I turned away. Callie was looking at her feet, her hands held tightly in front of her. Her face was red and her eyes were watering. I took the few steps to reach her. She saw me and I searched her eyes for permission. Now was a touchy time, seeing all her past lovers. I didn't know how she wanted to be comforted.

But she bit her lip and nodded holding out her arms. I pulled her into a hug and she cried silently into my shoulder. I pressed my lips to her ear. "I love you Calypso. It's okay."

She sniffled and pulled away, giving me a grateful smile. She offered her hand and I took it, the two of us standing together in the past, our fingers intertwined.

And then Percy washed ashore. I could feel the edgy vibe Annabeth was putting off from here. And I watched Calypso fall for Percy. But nothing happened. And I understood the sincerity in Percy's voice when he told me he was sorry about Calypso and wanted to help me get her off of Ogygia.

And like all the heroes who came before him, Percy had to leave. The raft showed up and Percy left to go back to Annabeth.

More endless days by the sea until I could see something in the sky. At first it looked like it could be a far off helicopter but I soon realized it was me: about to crash land.

It took a couple seconds until we could actually see me more clearly. I was frantically trying to fashion something out of my Archimedes Sphere that would slow my fall. I pulled it off, but I still crashed into Calypso's dining table, the explosion the sphere set off creating a crater in the sand.

Calypso stomped over and started yelling at me. "Sorry, Sunshine. I'll try to land on a different island next time," I said. Percy chuckled.

The scenes time lapsed to different scenes when I was alone on the shore, building things and the only time Calypso and I interacted, we argued and bickered.

Until one day when Callie came up to me. "We're getting you off this island," she said, and that began our mission to build our own raft.

So we worked and we worked until one night, when we sat on the sand, fantasizing about 'Leo and Calypso's Garage'. The raft showed up and we both got a panicky look in our eyes.

But Calypso brushed it off and got me to my feet, running into the surf to secure the raft, yelling at me to get the tech we built.

On the raft, Calypso grabbed my shirt and kissed me. I had to laugh at my expression. I gaped at her and she just smiled sadly, tears dripping from her eyes. "That didn't happen," she whispered.

"Didn't happen," I repeated, too stunned to think beyond what she just did.

"I'll come back for you," I said. She turned away, walking back to her garden. "No you won't," I heard her mutter to herself.

As the raft pulled away, I heard my next words loud and clear. "I'm coming back for you Calypso. I swear it on the River Styx."

The days went by, the sun and the moon rising and setting in a constant loop. It wasn't as long as when the years went by, but time is difficult in Ogygia.

And suddenly there was a Bronze dragon swooping in, crashing this time not into any dining tables. I basically flopped off Festus and face planted into the sand. Piper and Hazel tried to stifle their laughs and failed.

"I've been waiting forever," Calypso stood back a few paces, staring on in awe.

"Traffic was murder," I said, my hand on her waist, pulling her in to me and kissing her. "Ready to get off this island?" I asked, my eyebrows raised.

"Let me get my bags," she responded. And off she ran, returning soon after with two bags. I helped load them on the dragon and then we were off, retreating into the horizon on Happy the Dragon.

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