Before & After: Questioned Pop star

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Chapter 3:

Questioned Pop star:

As we danced deeper into the crowd I felt a rush of excitement take over me. Everyone in the room was laughing and jumping around to the loud music, not caring about bumping into anybody. 

"Want something to drink?" Harry whispered into my ear. I nodded my head and watched as he walked away. 

It's all so weird, I've known him for such a short period of time and yet I felt like I've known him forever. 

He quickly came back and passed me a drink. We left the dancing, sweating crowd to go off to the side. I sipped my fruit punch and coughed instantly. 

"Someone totally spiked this," I groaned through the horrible taste, still lurking in my throat. 

"I can't really tell," he mumbled while chugging the whole thing down. 

Lucy came over and burst into our conversation.

"So, this is the mysterious no-named bakery boy," she winked at me quickly then glanced between the two of us. 

"Names Harry," they shook hands briefly and Lucy let out a quick squeal. 

"That name reminds me of Harry Styles! You're not him right?" She pulled herself closer to him, trying to see his face better in the dark room. Lucy was always telling me about this boy-band she loved, One Direction. Apparently they were on the XFactor, but I never watched it once. 

"No, not me." He replied calmly. Lucy shrugged and left us to go back to dancing.

"Whose Harry Styles?" I yelled over the music.

"You don't know?" He sounded shocked and almost happy about it.



"Why? Is he like a rich guy?" Harry laughed at my comment.

"You're the rich one! You live in a mansion!" 

"My parents own a big company," I confessed. He nodded his head, not really wanting to say anything.

I finished my completely spiked drink and dragged Harry up into my room, hoping to get some privacy for a conversation. 

I opened my door and squealed.

"Ew! My room is off limits! Get out!" I screeched at the nearly half naked couple about to "get it on". Harry just laughed and looked away. As soon as they left the room I pulled Harry in and shut the door. 

"Nice room," He said, taking a seat at my desk.

"Yeah well i'm defiantly going to wash these sheets tonight." I groaned at the ruffled bed sheets. 

"Well, this is fun, we should do it again sometime." Harry admitted while looking at my crowded desk.

"Well aren't we going on a date?" I asked, playing along.

"Of course, sometime soon." 

"Tomorrow night?" 

"Uh, I have a uh, family dinner that night." his face looked puzzled and his eyes told a different story then his mouth.

"You don't sound so sure about that," I confronted him, knowing there was something else happening. 

"No, I promise. I need to get going though, sorry. Tonight was fun, thanks for the invite," He stood up from the chair and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. His eyes gleamed and I watched as he left my room. 

"Wait!" I shouted, chasing him down the stairs. He stopped in his tracks and looked at me with a confused look.

"Write your number down on my wrist." I handed him a sharpie and my arm. He wrote down his number and kissed where he had written his name. 

My cheeks burned from blushing so much and I watched as he left my house and walked out into the night. 

Everyone was leaving now, it was already 3AM. Lucy stayed behind and helped me clean throughout the night, but it wasn't long before we both fell asleep on my living room floor.

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