Before & After: Morning Beautiful

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Chapter 8

Morning Beautiful:

I finally arrived home and instantly bolted to my room and crashed onto my soft mattress. What was I going to do? I was never good in this kind of situation; I could already feel my heart rate speeding up. My stomach started to bend and twist and I kept thinking, ‘Oh god Macy, what if you screw things up?’ I’m usually good when it comes to dating, I mean I’m one of the popular girls at school, all the guys chase me. But this, this is just too strange.

I’m dating a pop star and I can’t go around telling everyone how happy I am, or even how scared I am. Am I really dating him though? He hasn’t asked for me to be his girlfriend, so maybe I’m just one of those girls that keep him company until he moves on? Was he like that? I honestly don’t know anything anymore.

My bed vibrated and I looked around for my cell phone. Quickly grabbing it I noticed Lucy was calling me. I had to do the right thing and answer the phone, but what if my mouth slipped?

“Hey Lucy.”

“Macy! Are you ignoring my calls or something? What’s happening with the curly haired boy!?” I sighed and responded.

“We’ve been hanging out; I met some of his friends. All of them are really sweet.” I wasn’t lying to her, so I figured it was a good simple thing to say.

“Oh my gosh! Macy, did you meet four boys? Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn ring a bell?” Crap. What was I supposed to say to that? I told Harry I wouldn’t tell anyone, at least not yet. Lucy had a bit of a blabber mouth and I knew if I told her she would eventually leak it to the whole school.

“No, not them.” My voice was calm and steady, hopefully she bought it.

“I’m keeping my eye on you Macy.” I wasn’t all that sure if she was threating me or not.

“Okay well Lu I have to get going, sorry. Bye!”

“Don’t you “Lu” me!” I ended the call, not wanting a lecture from her at this moment.

Growing strength, I hopped off my bed and changed into my PJ’s and washed my face. Tucking myself under the covers I turned off my lamp and fell asleep with one word, one person, stuck in my mind. Harry.

My eyes fluttered open and I stretched my arms. Bacon. I smelt bacon. Jumping out of my comfy warm blankets I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen where the noise of sizzling was coming from a steaming pan full of bacon. My parents never cooked bacon, or any form of breakfast like this. We usually had cereal or fruit.

“What’s the occasion?” I said while sneaking up beside my mum and grabbing some already cooked bacon off of the white plate.

“Morning sweetie,” I noticed the bowl of cooked scrambled eggs and piled some onto my clean plate. Adding some bacon and a piece of buttered toast I sat down, satisfied with my delicious looking breakfast.

“Mum, seriously, what’s up with the fancy breakfast? We never do this!” She looked at me with a huge smile on her face. Her red lipstick was applied perfectly like it always was and her long brown hair was pulled into a pony tail.

“You’ll find out in a couple weeks honey.” My mum looked so happy, confusion filled my body.

After eating I showered and dressed myself. Reaching for my phone, I texted Harry.

“Hey Harry (: Can you hangout today? Or maybe tonight?”

Waiting to get a response, I combed my hair and applied a small amount of hairspray. My phone vibrated and I looked at the lit screen.

“Morning beautiful: D I’m in the studio right now, give me a few?”

“Okay, perfect! Your place again?”

“See you there, x.”

I couldn’t help but smile like a complete dork. Morning Beautiful…. How lovely was he?

I lounged around the house, reading, watching TV, and doing anything I could to entertain myself while Harry was at the studio. Within a couple hours he had texted me back, letting me know he would be home soon. Grabbing my keys I raced for my car and quickly pulled it out of park and into reverse.

Soon I would be in Harry’s arms, trying to understand everything all over again.   A/N Please VOTE <3 It would mean soo much to me if you did! Comment below if you liked it as well(: Thanks everyone <3 x

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2012 ⏰

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