Before & After: Confessions in the Park

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Chapter 5:

Confessions in the Park:

I clenched my phone, not knowing what to do. My head was spinning with thoughts that drove me mad. I didn't know why, but I felt like sitting on the floor and never moving again. Was this a good thing? Knowing Harry Styles and possibly dating him? Or was it bad? Would I have to leave my family and friends if I went through with everything? 

I had a hard time grasping onto the thought that this was all revolving around me. Sure, i'm the lucky girl who knows him, but is that what I really want? I know I come across as a flirtatious, outgoing girl, but honestly i'm shy and fragile. 

Lucy was right, it really was him. I wanted to tell her so bad, call her number and explain the whole conversation, but I was asked not to. Would my whole life be like this? A secret?   

I sat down on the cool kitchen tiles, hoping to soothe myself with the chill feeling. 

Any girl in the world would love to be me, so why was it so hard for me to understand? I sighed and held my face with my small hands. My dirty blonde hair fell in front of my hands, twirling around my fingers. All I could think about was that Harry promised to call me back, and I had no idea what he was going to say.   

Suddenly the front door opened. I jerked and stumbled onto my feet.  

"We're home honey! How was last night?" My mother shouted from the main entrance. I walked over and gave her and my father a hug.   

"It was good, thanks." My voice voice was quiet, I was shocked it didn't concern them.  

"That's good sweetie." My mum said while kissing my forehead quickly. I could feel the sticky spot where her pink lipstick left a mark. I smudged it with the back of my hand and left them alone to unpack.   

I entered my room, not knowing what to do. My pale yellow walls gave me a happier feeling, along with the windows that were open and letting in the summer breeze. My room was my place to get away, to blast my music and express my feelings through my calming, yet loud objects.  

I took a seat at the edge of my bed, pleased with the new untouched sheets. I looked at my wrist and traced the outline of Harry's name, almost feeling like he was with me just by the presence of his name.   

I sat in my room for what seemed to be the whole day, but in reality it had only been a few hours. My phone vibrated and played my favorite ringtone. I grabbed it off my still crowded desk and answered right away, knowing it was Harry.   


"Hey Macy, it's me, Harry." his voice sounded happier, but slightly concerned still.  

"Yeah, I figured." I mumbled while sitting back down on my comfortable bed.  

"I was wondering if we could meet so I could explain this whole thing a bit better?"   

"Yeah sure, is the local park okay?"   

"Sure, see you in about half an hour."   

"Okay, bye." I ended the conversation and set my phone down beside me. Was I going to be attacked by his fans? Who knew...  

I shoved the thoughts to the side of my mind and got dressed. As I opened my drawer it creaked like it always did, I really needed a new one. I grabbed a simple pair of denim shorts and my pink button up blouse. I let my hair flow down over my shoulders and slipped on my toms.   

"Mum i'm going to the park, I should be back soon!" I shouted down the hall towards her office.   

"Sure thing hun!" She responded. 

I left the house and grabbed my bike, not bothering to drive my car the few simple blocks. 

I arrived at the park and sat down off to the side of the field where all the tree's were. More coverage from the beating sun.   

"Hey," I heard Harry's voice, but didn't see him. I twisted my head and saw him walking towards me. He sat down and gave me a quick smile.   

"So?" I asked, not sure how to start the conversation. This was nothing like our past flirty conversations, because this time it was serious.  

"So. I'm not going to lie to you, i'm in a boy-band with some lads, and it's called One Direction. Please don't start screaming, I don't want to get mobbed by fans." he pleaded the last part, really hoping I would take his word.  

"I wouldn't scream, because I honestly don't even know 'One Direction'." The look on his face was priceless. His mouth dropped and he smiled so big it looked painful. The warm breeze swirled around us as the leaves on the trees slowly fell to the ground.  

"Seriously?" He stuttered, still in shock.   "Seriously." I stated. 

 It was awkward between us for awhile, he didn't say anything, and I didn't know what to do. People were playing football on the field, laughing and fooling around. Oblivious to the so called "Superstar" that I was talking to.

 "Well then, that makes the whole fan-girling issue a lot easier." He admitted while grabbing onto my hands. He entwined our fingers and held them them with a firm grip.  

"Would you be alright with meeting the boys?" His face softened and his eyes hoped that I would say yes.  

"Okay, sure." He smiled yet again, this time showing off his perfect teeth. I smiled back instantly.   

"Perfect." He mumbled then pulled me up onto my feet. We walked over to his car and headed straight for his place to meet the rest of the band.   

All I could think about was how terrible I was for not telling Lucy about this all, but I knew I couldn't. Later on I would tell her everything, she deserved to know. 

Harry held onto my hand the whole ride there, letting me know with this simple action that everything was going to be okay.

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